Prologue: New Beginnings

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All I remember is being stuffed into somebody's trunk, but now I was here. But where was here? I woke up, confused, and hit my head on the ceiling of the box.
Oh, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Misa Fujimoto, and I was admitted here as the Ultimate Lucky Student/Luckster. Yep. That lucky person that gets picked just by winning a lottery. That's me. *sigh* I've never liked this talent, but that's fine. At least I'm here, and that's what matters.
I heard a ripping sound. Finally, someone saved me! I looked up and noticed the flaps on the box were now free from the trap of tape. My legs, sore, allowed me to stand up and to look for my savior, but no one was there except for a robotic bear with a two-toned body. One black, one white, with a creepy toothy smile and a stunning red eye on his right side, his black side. Suddenly, the bear began to speak.
"Puhuhu... Welcome to the Academy! Please make your way to the auditorium to meet your delightful new classmates! See ya soon, buckaroo!"
What the heck was that?! Auditorium? New classmates? What was this robot telling me?
"Hey!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. "What is this place?!" No response. I guess the robot went on his merry way. I suppose I should get going too, or else something bad might happen. I walked all the way to the auditorium, which was on the other side of the school. My legs, sore as can be, almost collapsed with exhaustion when I was greeted with a multitude of colorful people. I guess these were my new classmates. Suddenly, a cute girl with a pink dress on popped out of nowhere.
"Hi, I'm Aiko Okumura. I'm the Ultimate Matchmaker! Nice to meet you!" she said with a chipper little smile on her face.
"Hi. I'm Misa Fujimoto, the Ultimate Luckster. Nice to meet you, I guess..." Geez, is she always like this? That's got to be tiring.
"Bye now!" She said while waving her hand while also walking away to talk to other students. She's a little... hyper, isn't she? I walked away to one of the most normal-looking people in the room, a bot with a black hoodie on, leaning on a wall in the very far corner of the room.
"Hey," I said casually.
"Go away," he ordered. Geez, loner much?
"Um, I was wondering about your-"
"Look in your pockets."
"What? Wait, where's my-" He held up my phone, then gave it back to me. After I freaked out a little, of course.
"Now you know my Ultimate ability."
"You're the Ultimate Thief, I guess."
"Yep," he exclaimed.
"Nice to meet you. Um, what was your name again?"
"I haven't told you my name yet. I'm Daniel. Daniel Means. Nice to meet you."
"Um, nice meeting you. I'll just go on my merry way." As I left, I saw a bit of a smile on his face. Hm, maybe he's not so bad. Now, who should I see next? Suddenly, the cutest boy I had ever seen up to that point appeared right in front of me.
"Hello," he said in a fantastical flamboyant voice. Um, maybe I shouldn't-
"H-h-hi there, m-my name is M-Misa Fujimoto!" I blurted out, my palms sweating. Why was I so nervous? He's just a boy, right?
"Misa, huh? That's a pretty name for a pretty lady," he said flirtingly, taking my hand. "So, what are your hobbies?"
"Huh? Oh, um..." Crap. I didn't have any particular hobbies. "Nothing much. Just reading manga, I guess..." I whispered, my voice going quieter and quieter. You know, I feel like I've seen this guy before... But where? I drowned out his voice, going deeper and deeper into my memories. Eureka!
"Wait! You're the jerk who cheated on me in middle school!" I screamed at him, my anger very apparent.
"Well, you know, I've cheated on so many other girls so many times before, I barely remember you. Oh well."
"What?! That doesn't help your case at all! What the-"
"I'm just the Ultimate Player, and I'm guessing you already know my name," he said, putting his arm on the wall next to my face.
"You're just a jerk. That's all you are, Mr. Gin."
"Hmph. You're just jealous." He left, leaving me all by myself. Geez, he's such a jerk. But he does have a wonderful charm to him. Not to mention, he is quite cute. But he's still a jerk! While I was caught up in my thoughts, I bumped into someone. He turned around, his kaleidoscope of clashing colors slightly hurting my eyes.
"Hey!" He turned around, his face a stormy expression of anger. I backed up slightly in fear, hoping he wouldn't do anything drastic.
My voice barely came out in a whisper, "H-hello..." He walked up to me and grabbed me by the collar of my shirt.
"Hey, I'm Hideki Asano. Fuck with me and I'll mess you up." I felt the collar of my shirt be released, and I saw the back of his red shirt going up to another person. I touched the collar of my shirt, feeling a drop of sweat running down my forehead. Someone must've seen my distress, and I saw a lady with straight, shiny hair and purple eyes coming over.
"Are you okay?" Her voice was surprisingly calm, and I thought I heard a Germanic accent in her voice.
"Yeah, of course. That guy just intimidated me a little." I put my hand behind my head in an awkward gesture.
"Oh yes, he is scary, isn't he? I'm sure he's a good kid though."
"By the way, what's your name? I'm Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. Lame talent I know."
"It is not a lame talent. My name is Suzanne Luhan, and I am the Ultimate Psychologist. Freut mich, dich kennenzulernun." She extended her hand with a large smile on her face. I shook her hand. Thank goodness, someone kind of normal. Well, except for that last part. It must've been German since she does have a strong Germanic accent. She walked off and began talking to some of the other students. A man with a black suit and a monocle caught my eye, and I approached him, interested in what he was like.
"Hi! My name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lu-"
"The Ultimate Lucky Student, correct? Yes, I heard your conversations with those lowlives. You should be grateful to be talking to me, the Ultimate Theorist!" Oh god, one of those people. I gritted my teeth and continued the conversation as best I could.
"What's your name?"
"Bahir Vigil. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss. I hope you enjoy working with me." His face held an expression of contempt, like he thought he was better than any of us. I swiftly ended the conversation by excusing myself and going into the bathroom. There, I witnessed the prettiest girl I have ever laid eyes on. Her skin looked smooth and perfect, and her hair seemed flawless.
"Um, hi..." I approached her and waved.
"What do you want?" She looked at me with a face of annoyance.
"Oh, I just was trying to get away from one of the other students."
"What does that have to do with me?"
"I guess nothing really. Anyways, my name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"Is luck even a talent? Whatever. My name is Igna Liana Frandsen, and I'm the Ultimate Toy Maker."
"Is that why you look like a doll?"
"No. I was just born this way. Det rager ikke dig!"
"Excuse me?"
"It's none of your business, din kaelling! Now scram!" I quickly left the bathroom and looked around for other students to introduce myself to. Geez, why are all of these people so rude? I spotted a girl with long black hair who was wearing a Pikachu shirt.
"O-oh, hi."
"My name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. It's nice to meet you." I extended my hand to her.
"I'm Amaterasu Rosa Belle Rosanthales. I am the Ultimate Voice Actor. It's nice to meet you too." Her voice was soft, and she grasped my hand and shook it.
"May I call you by a nickname? Amaterasu is a bit of a handful to say."
"Oh, um, you can call me Ama or Belle if you want to."
"Thanks." I left her to her own devices, and went to stand in the middle of the room to see if I could spot anyone else. The doors opened, and two people who looked very similar to each other entered the gym. One of them started to interview people, holding a notepad, and the girl went to the far corner to read her book. I decided to confront her.
"Hi. My name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student." She took a pencil from her hair and wrote down something in her book. She ripped it out and gave it to me. The note read "My name is Jasmine Tessa Smith, Ultimate Journalist."
"It's nice to meet you, Jasmine." She looked at me over her book, and gave me a soft smile. Or maybe she was smiling at someone else behind me. I glanced behind me and saw the sight of an ahoge. It was the other person who was interviewing everyone.
"Hello there. My name's Freddy Johnson Smith, and I'm the Ultimate Reporter. Now, I have a couple of questions for you. What is your name and Ultimate talent?"
"My name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"What does that mean?"
"Well, basically Hope's Peak Academy has a lottery for one normal person to go to the school, and it's luck. The person who wins this lottery gets to enter Hope's Peak as the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"I see. Now when is your birthday?"
"October 17."
"Thanks. Now, what is your favorite movie?"
"Spirited Away. What's yours?"
"Hey, hey, who's the reporter here? Let me do my job."
"I think I'm gonna go."
"Thanks for your cooperation, miss! I learned a lot from you!" He saluted me as I walked away, and was dragged away by the ear by his sister. A girl walked out of the bathroom, dressed in a gray waitress outfit and tossing her long, gray hair. I approached her and waved at her.
"Get out of my way," she spat out.
"No. I just wanted to introduce myself." Geez, these people are rude.
"Fine. My name is Aida Asthore Agnelli, and I'm the Ultimate Waitress. Now, get lost." I noticed that she had a strong Italian accent with a touch of French.
"Well, I'll get out of your way as soon as you let me introduce myself. Anyways, my name's Misa Fujimoto and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"You got what you wanted. Now vai a cacare!" I stepped to the side out of her path, and looked around a bit for another person to meet. A person wearing a golden necklace caught my eye, so I decided to go see him.
"My name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"Nice to meet you, Miss Fujimoto. My name is Gabriel Warren, and as you can see, I'm the Ultimate Rapper."
"You don't seem all too happy about that."
"Well, you see, I want to pursue rock, but one of my managers threatens me to continue to produce rap."
"That sucks."
"By the way, are you British? Because I hear a remnant of a British accent within your American accent."
"Yeah, I am. You have extremely good hearing because even my most devoted fans cannot hear the tiny bit of the British accent that you did."
"Cool. I guess that's something unique about me. I really enjoyed this conversation."
"Me too."
"Anyways, see ya around!"
"You too." He smiled at me for a bit before going to converse with other students. I turned around and my head collided with a blonde-haired head.
"Oh, I am so sorry! Are you okay, mademoiselle?" A lady in an elegant blue dress said, crouching next to me as I rubbed my head and rose from the floor.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Diecu merci."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, sorry. I meant thank goodness."
"It's all good. Anyways, my name is Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"It is nice to meet you too. I love all of the different nationalities gathered here. It is very nice. Oh, and my name is Coralie Leclerc, and I am the Ultimate Hypnotist."
"Ultimate Hypnotist?"
"Do you want me to show you?" She asked as she pulled out an object out of her dress near her right breast.
"Was that in your bra?"
"Maybe." She hovered the object in front of me, and I started to feel dazed and relaxed. I shook my head and got out of the daze after a few minutes. She put the object back into her bra, and stood in front of me with perfect posture.
"Wow, that was something."
"Did you like it?"
"I can't really tell. I may have to try it again."
"Oh, that's just magnifique!" She held her gloved hands close to her chest, and spun around in a circle.
"Well, I've enjoyed our conversation together. See ya!"
"Au revoir." She curtsied to me and left to go talk to the other student who knew French, which was Aida. I looked around and finally noticed Daniel talking to another male student. I walked to the very far corner where I first met Daniel, and interrupted their conversation.
"Hi. My name's Misa Fujimoto, and I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student."
"This is the Ultimate Sharpshooter, Matthew David Belamus."
"Nice to meet you, Matthew." I held out my hand.
"It's nice to meet you too, Miss Misa." He shook my hand, then adjusted the arrow carrier on his back.
"Wait, didn't I see you participating in the Olympics a couple of years ago?"
"Yep, that was me."
"That's pretty cool. Not everyone at our age gets to go to the Olympics."
"I guess. Anyways, see ya." He got up from the floor, and waved to both me and Daniel. We sat together in silence for a couple of minutes before he opened his mouth.
"Why do you think we were gathered here?"
"I have no idea. Maybe it's just part of their orientation process."
"I highly doubt it, Misa. We would've probably seen something about this on the various websites talking about Hope's Peak, to be honest."
"That is true. But maybe this was something that people had to keep quiet about."
"I have a bad feeling about this."
Suddenly, the black and white bear from before appeared on the podium on the stage. Everyone's mind started to race with questions, but before we were able to blurt them out, the bear began talking.
"Welcome to your new home! This place is called Hope's Peak Academy, and I'm your headmaster, Monokuma!"
"How can a stuffed animal be a headmaster?" Igna blurted out.
"Good question, Miss Igna. But I'm not a stuffed animal, I'm Monokuma! Anyways, if you want to escape from this place, you'll have to commit the perfect murder! I don't care how you do it, I just want you to do it! Puhuhu! I can taste the despair it'll bring!"
"Wait, this is just a joke, right?" Trevor said, a look of worry on his face. Hideki suddenly charged towards the bear while Matthew took out his bow and nocked an arrow. Hideki grabbed the bear and a loud beeping sound rang throughout the auditorium.
"Throw it, you idiot! It's a bomb!" Aida shouted out as he threw the bear into the air. An explosion filled the room, and a copy of the bear popped up from behind the podium.
"Now you know what happens when you break the rule of violence against the headmaster. Anyways, have fun!" He disappeared, and we looked at each other, suspicious of everyone. We left for our own rooms and I collapsed on my bed, completely naked.

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