𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎 𝐿𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

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i felt someone shaking me so i sat up rubbing my eyes. it was kairi smiling looking at me.

kairi: sis wake up me and mattia wanted to talk to you
i nodded and stood up still in my pjs. kairi went out first then sat next to mattia. where was everyone else?

you: where's everyone else
i asked sitting down on the other side of the couch.
mattia: they went to the store shopping
he said and i nodded.

you: so what you wanted to talk about
they both looked at me like i was stupid. bitch am i confused.
kairi: your pregnancy
i smiled and looked down at my stomach.

mattia: look what we did yesterday was completely wrong ok me and kairi are sorry for yelling at eachother and causing stress to you
yesterday? that happened like a week ago lmao. are they dumb.

you: yesterday? that happened like a week ago
i chuckled a bit. kairi and mattia looked at eachother like i was crazy.
kairi: no y/n that was yesterday
um no. yesterday we made up with marcus.

you: no yesterday we made up with marcus remember
i said. kairi's face dropped while mattia stood confused.
mattia: who's marcus
now they are messing with me. i just laughed.

you: marcus! me and kairi's brother!
i stood up. i wanted to go check on marcus but was stopped by kairi.
kairi: y/n marcus was killed 2 years ago
what? no he wasn't we just made up with him.

you: stop messing around! where's marcus at? MARCUS!
i yelled and pushed kairi out the way.
kairi: y/n are you having those dreams again
he asked.

you: no! me you and marcus went to save mattia cuz he had kidnapped him to get back at us and we talked everything out! marcus came back to live with us! remember! kairi stop playing with me!
mattia was just staring confused.

kairi: y/n! marcus is dead! he always has been! we watched him die! MARCUS IS DEAD!


then reality hit y/n. marcus was dead. he was never alive. it was all a dream.

y/n couldn't live with the fact that her older brother was killed by there uncle. y/n was never raped by her uncle, she was actually her uncles favorite but when y/n and kairi's uncle found out marcus was trying to sell y/n to a rapist he killed marcus right in front of kairi and y/n.

y/n's uncle was never the bad guy it was always marcus.

y/n couldn't believe that marcus tried to sell y/n to her rapist. she always thought that her uncle raped her because marcus told her that. y/n would have these dreams of her saving her true love from marcus but it was y/n's uncle saving her from marcus but y/n didn't see it that way.

y/n didn't want to believe marcus was the bad guy so she placed her uncle as the bad guy.

kairi decided to send y/n to get help for everything. now y/n knows the truth but everyone helped it with her.

mattia and the boys brought out the truth of what really happened with y/n marcus and her uncle.

y/n and mattia now have a beautiful daughter named ariana. elijah loves his little sister ariana. they helped bring y/n to her happiness and so did her husband mattia and her friends and of course kairi y/n's twin brother

The End

a: a twist to the end lmao

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