Part 17

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Months Later


Hey it's me again well I'm still leading the Mafia but everything has been quiet like we are just selling drugs but I know something is going to come up. Anyways my mom and dad have finally accepted the fact that's I'm leading the Mafia and me and Queen are the only people here, the rest are at playlist. Why? Because I don't need any supporters getting suspicious asking where have they been and shit so yeah. Elijah came down and woke me up from my nice ass nap thanks a lot! Well I mean I am a mother so it's not Elijah fault........bitch I'm bipolar.

E: mom!
You: I'm up what's wrong
E: you forgot to pick me up from school!

I quickly sat up checking the time 2:30pm. Oh my god what the fuck!

You: baby I'm so sorry
E: it's ok I just wanted to tell you

I gave him a hug when Queen busted in the room.

Q: bitch im hungry
E: mom im hungry to
You: Chick-fil-A?
Both: YES

I grabbed my keys and a gun, I also passed a gun to Queen without Elijah seeing. We all got in the car and I started the car.

You: seatbelt Elijah
E: it's on
Q: playlist time

Queen turned put on her playlist when I finally got to the drive through. I turned down the music a little bit.

L: hello! What would you like!
You: can you give me a second
L: of course!

You: bubs what do you want
E: can I get chicken nuggets with fries
You: ok

I ordered what we wanted and went to the drive thing. I paid with my car and finally drove back home. We all got off then went to eat our food, Elijah finished his food and went to watch tv.

You: bubba homework sorry
E: but mom!
You: Elijah now
E: ugh fine!

He stomped up the stairs slamming his door. I shook my head looking down at my food.

Q: whats wrong
You: I just can't bro this is to much for me
Q: your strong y/n he's just going through what we all went through which was hating school I promise you'll get through all this shit! We will finally get out of this Mafia crap and live a good life!
You: not everything comes to a good end Queen!
Q: you think I don't know that! I put on a smile everyday and help you with everything you need y/n!

I was stressed what's wrong with me! FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! IM SICK ON THIS SHIT!

You: I'm sorry Queen
Q: it's ok just go to your rage room

I went into my rage room which was basically a room full of stuff I can break, stuff I can throw and just everything.


I grabbed a picture of my uncle throwing it and breaking it into the wall. If you didn't know my uncle raped me, he abused me, hurt me in ways you couldn't imagine. I was in pain and no one knew. I fell to the floor crying and screaming just hoping the pain would go away. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? I mean I know I killed so many people but I was just 5 fucking years old! He told me to tell no one or he would hurt me. I just need him dead, I need to kill him and I will finally be good!

It's been hours. I had no more tears, no more screams that would come out of my mouth. I checked the time seeing it was 12:00 jeez it's been 8 hours. I slowly and quietly went up to my room, I made it to my room and I took a shower. I slowly got into my bed just looking up at the ceiling.

Where is he?

Is he dead yet?

Does he think about me?

Does he rape other girls?

I need to find him

A: hey im back

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