Part 16

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Y/n POV:
Today is the day we kill and end the Gonzalez family. Also, I already have a plan for Anthony. He is friends with the family so he will most likely be there at the party so see him.......BOOM! Dead on the floor with his nasty ass.
Tia: y/n come on babe it's time to get up
You: what day is it
Tia: it's Sunday we go to school tomorrow
You: I'm up
Tia: I'm gonna go wake up the rest
You: don't wake up Elijah my parents are coming here
Tia: ok I won't but what do you want to eat
You: pancakes
Tia: ok
He walked out and I guess I was really tired cuz he woke me up. Anyways I got up and just put something simple for now.

After I put on the outfit I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail just for now

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After I put on the outfit I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a ponytail just for now. Before I walked downstairs I need to go pee so I sat on the toilet and just scrolled through TikTok. I flushed the toilet then went downstairs to eat. I saw Mattia cooking, Alvaro and Roshuan play fighting, Robert talking to Alejandro, and Queen and Vic on their phones. Kairi he was just being dumb. I walked over to Mattia and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
You: smells good bubs
Tia: thanks baby
Q: we are gonna steal her
Tia: wha-
Before he could say anything Queen and Vic pulled me to the coach.
You: what happened
Vic: oh nothing we just wanted to make Mattia mad
Q: 1....2....3
Me Vic and Queen started to laugh. They pushed me off the coach.
Q: go with your boyfriend
You: after this thing we should have a girls night tomorrow
Vic: BET!
Q: good idea
I walked back over to the kitchen with Mattia and wrapped my arms around him. He turned around from cooking and gave me a hug.
Tia: can we go live
You: yeah just not say anything
Tia: my phone is in my back pocket
You: oh ok
I grabbed his phone from his back pocket and went live on his Instagram.
You: hey guys!
Tia: heyyyy
Omg y/n is so pretty
How is she this pretty when it's the morning
Why are you guys up so early
Mattia can do better
They are such a cute couple
So no one is gonna talk about how Mattia is cooking
You: Ik ri-
Before I could finish my sentence all the boys tackled me to the ground.
Boy: Y/N!
Tia: see what happens when you have guy best friends guys
You: get off of me!
They all got off of me but I stayed on the ground while everyone was laughing.
Kai: I hope you guys got that
Rob: omg post it everywhere
I stood up quick and went to the live.
You: don't post it!
Ro: ahhh that gets her up
Alv: post it everywhere guys!
Ale: and send it to me
Tia: and me
I hit all the boys. Damn instead of soccer why don't they tryout for football. That hurt like a fucking bitch in a stick.
Q: damn that must have hurt
Vic: oooo that looked like it hurt
You: it did fucking hurt, instead of trying out for soccer tryout for football I bet they would let you bitches in
Alv: nahh soccer is better
Tia: shut up anyways the food is ready
We all sat down and Mattia gave us the food. We spent hours talking. We all decided to get ready then I would call my parents to come.
E: mommy where are you going
You: I'm going to a party
E: ooo! Can I go pleaseeeeee
You: no I'm sorry baby only older people can go ok
E: awe next time?
You: yeah love next time
He ran out of the room and I'm guessing he's going to play with his toys. Anyways me Vic and Queen started to do our makeup. I did there hairs. For Vic I straightened her hair, for Queen I did up down with curls, and for me I curled my hair just a little bit. Here is our dresses:

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