Part 25

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i was woken up by hearing a loud bang on the floor but i didn't think much of it because alvaro is always awake at this time so i got up slowly rubbing my eyes and went downstairs.

mattia: alvaro-
when i opened my eyes i saw him on the floor knocked on with blood on his head.
mattia: oh shit
i dropped on the floor and started shaking him.

??: well well look who it is
my head shot up when i heard an unfamiliar voice and saw a man covered in black while playing with the gun.
mattia: who are you
i said looking around for a gun.

??: ouch! y/n and kairi haven't told you about me i'm so hurt
he said sarcastically with his hand on his chest like he was offended.
mattia: who are you!
i said more serious.

marcus: calm down mattia i'm marcus, Marcus Cosentino
marcus said with his hand out as if i'm gonna shake it. COSENTINO?!
mattia: cosentino
i questioned.

marcus: ohhhh right i'm there older brother-
he was cut off by someone walking downstairs. i turned and it was kairi with the group.

kairi: mattia who- marcus
i was pulled back by kairi a bit. marcus laughed and played with his knife.
marcus: hello little brother is nice to see you again and awe still short huh
kairi rolled his eyes.

kairi: what do you want
he snapped at him and marcus sighed and crossed his arms.
marcus: so uh i need mattia so come on over little buddy
marcus said while waving his hands. i saw a gun and went after it but was grabbed by someone.

marcus: ugh so stupid mattia! this was easier than i thought
he held me close to his chest. i tried getting out but got choked by him.
kairi: leave him alone marcus
um hello? the group ain't gonna help me and kairi. i turned my head back to kairi struggling.

marcus: oh no see this is all apart of the plan
i could feel him smirk while talking. kairi took a step but marcus pulled the gun to my head which made me tense up.
kairi: NO
kairi yelled when pointing only making marcus laugh.

mattia: j-just let m-e go t-tell y/n i l-love her
it was hard to speak since i was being choked and had a gun pulled on me.
marcus: SEE mattia gets it
kairi shook his head.

kairi: y/n wouldn't forgive me
i heard marcus say "i don't care" and kept the gun on me while walking out the door.

well i'm fucked.

once marcus closed the door he dropped me to the floor and put his foot on my chest. i groaned and held my head. marcus chuckled and took out his phone to dial a number. within seconds the person answered.

marcus: it's done
then he hanged up and picked me up by the neck and took me to the car where he picked up the gun then hit it on my head making everything go black.

Present Time


i woke up in a dark room which obviously seemed unfamiliar then everything hit me.


wait is it kidnapping?


my head was pounding from the force i had gotten. i thrown on the floor and was hit by a gun. ofc my head was gonna hurt.

marcus: your awake! yes!
he clapped his hands together in excitement. well i know what's gonna happen.
mattia: what do you want
i said with my head still hurting.

marcus: i want kairi and y/n to feel pain and the way to start is with you
marcus smirked and placed his knife on my neck.

i love you y/n so much.

i closed my eyes which made him laugh out loud then back up. i opened one eye.

marcus: i'm not gonna kill you dumbass
he spat.
marcus: let's just wait 1 hour 2 tops cuz i know my little sis and bro are smart but for right now let's have fun
OH! FUN! oh- that's means-

he kicked me in the gut which made me fall back on the chair. i couldn't move or anything since i was tied. the knots look similar to y/n- cosentino siblings just great. marcus kept punching me, kicking me, and stabbing me in the legs. all i could do was pray y/n was gonna come any minute.

a: hi

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