Part 19

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I woke up to Elijah jumping on my bed. I groaned rolling over and he kept jumping so I sat up rubbing my eyes.

You: E stop please
E: i just wanted to tell you that tia queen is taking me to school

I nodded by head and gave him a hug. I kissed his forehead then telling Elijah I loved him. He told me "I love you to mom" then went downstairs going to school. I checked the time.


Oh shit! I forgot I have to pick up the boys. I quickly ran into my bathroom to take a quick shower. After my shower I put on

I then put on my makeup and if you still don't know I only use mascara, clear lipgloss and yeah that's basically it lmaoooo

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I then put on my makeup and if you still don't know I only use mascara, clear lipgloss and yeah that's basically it lmaoooo. I rushed downstairs to make breakfast. While I was making breakfast queen came back.

Q: ouuu what you making bitch
You: just some pancakes
Q: ayy can you put-
You: yes I put chocolate chips in yours
Q: ughh love you babe
You: love you to sis

She ran upstairs to get ready and I continued making some pancakes. I'm guessing Elijah ate cereal cuz there was a dirty plate so after I made the pancakes I washed some dishes waiting for queen to come down. She came down and I served our food.

Q: what time we gotta pick them up
You: what time is it
Q: 8:30
You: shit! We gotta go!

We rushed out the door but grabbing our guns. Rule in the mafia! Never leave without a gun or weapon with you. It's the most important rule so yeah. Queen put her playlist and we listened to the music till we got there. I was on my phone when I felt big arms around me and I instantly knew it was Mattia so I hugged him back tight.

We all hugged and shit so yeah. I told them to get in the car so we can talk for a little bit. We talked for a long time in the car but it was time for us to finally go home.

Tia: I missed you babe
You: awe I missed you to

He kissed me then threw me on my bed. We were making out for a long time and did the nasty hehehehe. (I'll do smut later but rn me hella lazy).

We both went downstairs and saw all of them smirking at us. I rolled my eyes then went to sit down next to Kairi with Mattia next to me.

You: so how was playlist
Ale: it was hella fun
Kai: most of your fans were asking for you tho
You: fr?
All: yeah
Vic: and the party was hella fire bitch
Alv: I'm surprised they good taste in music

I told my mom to pick up Elijah cuz he will be staying with them until my mission with my uncle is over so yeah. We talked for a long time until it was time for business. Me Vic and Queen went to do a drug sell while the boys were at home looking for my uncle

Vic: how much money we got
Vic asked starting the car and putting on music.
You: 500,000
She nodded her head and we drove home.

Q: bro where he at
Queen was frustrated cuz they couldn't search down my uncle.
Rob: I'm looking calm the fuck down
Robert was getting annoyed of Queen and I couldn't have them fighting.

You: ok everyone out now! Only me and Robert can be in here! Go get ready for the fight when he finds them!
I pushed them out slamming the door shut.

Rob: thanks
He turned to me and smiled, I smiled back and we kept searching.

You: ouuu what about his beach house
I questioned.
Rob: show me
He moved over a little bit and I typed in the place.

Rob: there he is
We both cheered cuz it took like 3 hours. My uncle he has a bunch of places so it was hard.

Rob: oh shit!
I quickly ran back to where he was. Robert pointed out that it was in Russia. Great.

You: we gotta leave tomorrow
He nodded his head.

I called a meeting with everyone and we all sat down just giving ideas. It was kinda hard cuz he wasn't throwing a party so we just had to get through all the guards and shit. My uncle was a very rich man who got everything he wanted. Why you think he took my virginity when I was just 3 years old.

Alv: we all gotta pack today then right
I shook my head "yes". They all went to call there parents and shit so I had to call my mom.

Mom: what happened
You: can you take Elijah for a week
Mom: y/n listen I love my grandchild but no your his mom take care of him or I'll take full custody
You: NO! He's mine not yours!
Mom: either I drop him off at your house or I'll take you to court
You: don't even come I'll send Alejandro to go get him
Mom: it's not my fault
You: when have I asked you for everything
Mom: you always ask me to take care of him y/n and not to mention your in a MAFIA
You: you think I wanted to be in this?! I wouldn't have been like this but you were the worst mom ever! You always left and you question why me and Kairi were kidnapped! You sent us off to school and it was 10 blocks away! They took us and it will always be your fault so yeah I got pregnant cuz I was kidnapped and raped and I was brought into this Mafia shit! Goodbye mom!

I hung up the phone fast throwing it on my bed. I ran downstairs seeing everyone suiting up.

Ale: what's wrong
They all turned to me confused.
You: uh nothing I just wanted to ask if you can pick up Elijah
I asked.

Ale: oh yeah anyone wants to come
Roshuan and Alvaro went with them and I went upstairs.

I walked up to my room packing my shit. Kairi knows me so he followed me up to my room. He just looked at me like a lost puppy.

You: what Kai
I tried playing it off cool lmaoooo.
Kai: don't "what Kai" me what happened
He questioned me sitting on my bed. I sighed putting everything I had in my hands down.

You: mom threatened to take full custody of Elijah
I told him, Kairi was hella shocked. I wasn't tho.
Kai: what?!
I nodded my head.

Moments later Elijah bursted through the door running to me smiling. I hug back tightly and I looked at Kairi. He nodded leaving my room.

E: grandmas house was fun can I go tomorrow
I sniffed shaking my head no.
E: what why?!
He pulled away from the hug sitting next to me.

You: I'll tell you when you get older but right now baby you'll never see grandma again
He didn't say anything just cried.

I laid down pulling him closer to me while he cried. I heard little snores meaning Elijah was asleep. I went on my phone for a little bit then went to sleep.

A: hey

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