“So what type of milk do we need?” Tyler asks as we almost approach the milk.

“What do you mean what kind of milk do we need? Milk is milk. It all comes from cows” Gabe asks.

I then laugh and say,” We need two percent milk. It has a dark blue lid and sticker. Check the date it expires. We want the date farthest away so it will last longer.”

“Okay” Tyler says.

“I still don’t get it” Gabe said.

I laugh and just ignore him.  We walk up to the gallons of milk and I can feel Brittany’s eyes burn wholes in me as I look for the two percent milk.

I find the dark blue label and I give it to Gabe. That is when I hear a scoff and clicking of heals.

“Oh no” Tyler says as he hears the clicking of her heals and he sighs.

“What?” Gabe and Waffle Nazi ask at the same time.

Tyler and I give each other a look and the clicking stops. I notice she is right in front of me.

“Hey Pay” She in a innocent voice but you can hear the venom coming off her tongue. I don’t even want to know where she puts that every night. I glare at her and cross my arms.

“What can I help you with?”

“Oh. I was just going to ask how your summer was going.”

“Why do you care?”Tyler butts in.

This time she doesn’t hide the venom in her voice as she puts on her scowl,” I was just wondering if you got hit by a buss yet”

I roll my eyes and turn around,” I was talking to you” she spats.

“And I don’t care what you have to say so why don’t you go suck faces with some random guy and leave”

She smirks and looks behind me. I look at her confused, but by the time I notice what’s happening Brittany walks up behind me and kisses Waffle Nazi on the lips. The worst part is that he doesn’t even stop her. He just lets her kiss him. In the corner of my eye I see Tyler glaring at Waffle Nazi and Gabe just looks at him wide eyed.

I don’t know what I feel about it, but I know I don’t approve of it. Not one bit.  I am angry, but if I do something I will just regret it later. I see Brittany pull back slowly with an evil smirk and he just looks at her wide eyed. She then turns to look at me while Waffle Nazi is still in a daze and says, “Gladly”.

She starts to walk off and when she sees Chad she turns around and says,” I will tell Chad you said hi. Wait… I don’t think he would care”

“So?” I ask.

“So… I know you want him too, but I can tell why he won’t.” She looks over at the gallon of milk in the cart and then walks up to me and whispers,” You might want to try low fat.”

I clench my fists together and she smirks and walks away, “Oh. I hope you have an amazing summer” She calls back to me. I see her smile up to Chad and take his hand and they leave.

What happened to the old lady that was going to protect me? I then turn towards Tyler and say,” let’s get some chocolate chips”

He looks at me with concern, but I just walk towards the isle that had chocolate chips. I can hear footsteps behind me as I walk towards isle nine. My fists are still clenched together and I am still furious. I can’t believe she said that! She also practically said that I like Chad! I just want to throw something. I want to hit Waffle Nazi for kissing her back. Why? I am not too sure. He should be able to kiss whoever he wants, right? The why do I care so much?! I know why… maybe it is because my enemy kissed one of my closest friends. That has to be the case. It has to be like that. I grab two bags of the milk chocolate chips. I hate dark chocolate. It is way to much.  I toss them in the cart and Gabe catches them. I then walk towards the checkout lines and grab one of those sticks to separate our groceries from the other customer. Gabe hands me the two bags and the gallon of milk. I put it up there and when it is my turn I realize it is the same girl from the last time I was here. The girl that helped me and Hannah out from the embarrassment of letting the guys notice I was getting pads.  She smiles at me and I smile back.

“Nice to see you again” I say.

“You too!” She says cheerfully.

We both laugh and she swipes my items and I pull out a twenty. I give it to her and she gives me my change back. I grab my two bags and say goodbye. I then walk to the doors that go outside. I see Brittany and Chad sucking faces in her car and this time I make gagging noises, but the guys don’t notice because I am a head of them. I walk to my car and wait for Gabe to unlock it. Of course Brittany’s car is so much fancier than mine. It doesn’t have rust stains and troubles starting up. I hear the beep of the car, meaning it is unlocked and open the door and climb in. After a minute I hear them shuffling to get in and I look outside my window. I notice that Waffle Nazi is now driving instead of Gabe, meaning he is in front of me and can see me through the mirror. This is great… just great. I turn my head back outside the window as we back out of the parking spot. I also notice that Tyler isn’t laying down this time but sitting like how a normal person would sit in the backseat of a car. I keep my eye out the window and watch the cars and the birds. Once we stop in my drive way I get out and grab the two bags. I walk up to the front door to my house and get the keep from under his cute little owl. I don’t even care that the guys now where my hiding spot for my house key is. I should worry, but I trust them. I don’t think they will break in and steal something; they also don’t seem like the stalking creep type so I should be fine. Maybe it is a good thing. So when they want to come over and my house is locked they can just let themselves in so I won’t have to get up and do it.

Yes, I know I am a lazy person but who isn’t? Everyone is lazy in their own weird way. I just have lots of ways. I bring the bags in the kitchen and grab the waffle maker and a measuring cup. I get to work and start mixing things together. Once I know the guys aren’t in here watching me I grab my special ingredient and put it in the mix. Then I put them in the waffle maker and the delicious smell fills my nostrils making me smile. I love waffles. I grab four plates and put two waffles on each and bring two plates in the living room. I give one to Gabe and I give one to Waffle Nazi. I don’t dare look him in the eye. I don’t know what I would do, or how I would react. I then walk back in the kitchen and grab Tyler and I’s plates and make my way back towards the living room and I see that they are watching a movie. I don’t know what it is but I cope with it. I don’t even think I am paying attention. I just pick at my food and look at the screen but my brain is elsewhere. I wonder if Waffle Nazi liked the kiss. I hope he didn’t. But then again, why wouldn’t he?

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