Ienzo and Demyx

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Ienzo sat in his dark room, using the light of his tablet to light up the room.

"I can't go to sleep.." he mumbled. He glanced at his Gummi Phone, trying to resist the urge to ask someone to come over.

Once the urge took over, Ienzo grabbed the phone and opened his chat.

I: Hey, can you come over? I can't sleep.

D: say less, I know just the thing!

Ienzo didn't have to wait long for a corridor of darkness to appear in the corner of his room. Out of it came Demyx, his usual smile on his face.

He quickly plugged his tablet in and set it face down on his bedside table.

"Hey Zexion, how are you? And what are you wearing?" He asked.

Ienzo looked down at his outfit. A shirt that was the same color as his hair, just a little lighter, white sweatpants, and he was barefoot.

"I'm doing well, and I'm wearing my pajamas?"

"Alright. So, you said you can't sleep?"


Demyx sat down next to him. "Question, can I have a hug?"

"I guess?" Ienzo shrugged, letting Demyx hug him.

"Hey, why do you hide your face behind your hair?" Demyx moved Ienzo's bangs from his face. "I think you look nice, and the world should see how handsome you look."

Ienzo blushed at Demyx's words. "Thanks. Anyway, you said you had a way to help me fall asleep faster?"

"Certainly." Demyx raised his hand up, and his sitar materialized. "I could play you some music."

"Oh. Thanks" Ienzo smiled.

The two of them sat quietly listening to the music, and Ienzo felt his eyelids get heavy. He climbed under the covers, and let his eyes close.

The soothing sound of music and Demyx humming made Ienzo tired pretty quickly.

But then, the music stopped.

Ienzo opened his eyes to see Demyx towering over him, a tired and playful look in his eyes.

"Please let me sleep with you?" He asked.

Ienzo shook his head sleepily. "I have work tomorrow."

"Please? I won't bother you." Demyx begged.

"Fine, I guess that's alright."

Demyx rolled off of him and onto his side, climbing under the covers with a big Demyx smile.

Ienzo rolled his eyes and let them fall again, this time falling far enough into his dreams.


When Ienzo woke up the next morning, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

For a moment, he was confused as to why Demyx was asleep next to him.

"Demyx." He nudge the blonde. "Wake up."

Demyx sat up, stretching his arms upward. "Morning!"

Ienzo rolled his eyes, climbing out of his bed. "How'd you sleep?"

"Like a log." Demyx joked.

Ienzo rolled his eyes again, grabbing a lab coat, undershirt and pants from his closet.

"I'm gonna change."


Ienzo closed the door to his bathroom, running his fingers through his hair.

That's good enough. He told himself.

After quickly changing, Ienzo walked out, adjusting his sleeves.

He suppressed a sigh when he saw Even standing in his doorway.

Even, his probably parental figure, and the guy who loves teasing him.

Even smirked when he asked, "mind explaining why Demyx is in your bed?"

Ienzo glanced at Demyx, but his sitar became the most interesting thing ever, and he didn't look up.

Ienzo's face became hot as he answered, "it isn't what you think. He was helping me sleep."


"I was playing him music, Vexen." Demyx responded, fiddling with his sitar.

"That's Even." He turned to Ienzo. "We need you down at the lab. Is your little boyfriend coming too?"

"You bet I am!" Demyx jumped up. "Wait.."

Ienzo chuckled. "I'll meet you downstairs, Even."

"Don't be long." Even left without another word.

"Well? They're waiting for you, Ienzo. Let's go."

Ienzo walked to the door, tablet in hand, closing it after Demyx left.

"So, why did you even come over? You didn't have to."

Demyx shrugged. "Well I wanted to. I was bored, there's nothing going on in my life. Speaking of that, can I... try something?"

Ienzo shrugged. "Sure."

His heart rate and breath accelerated when Demyx leaned closer, kissing him.

When the blonde eventually let go, there was a big smile on his face.

Demyx kept walking down the hall, while Ienzo stood there, lovestruck.

When he finally caught up with him, Ienzo heard Demyx say, "there. Now it's official."

"What is?"

"You and me."

Ienzo somehow blushed more. "What?"

"You heard me. Now, come on, their waiting for you."

Ienzo was sure, that after everything that just happened, he wouldn't be able to focus on work.

As they approached the lab, Ienzo cleared his thoughts.

Even was waiting for them.

"You two sure took your sweet time. Makes me wonder what you were even doing at that."

Ienzo looked down, glancing at Demyx, who looked confused.

"Demyx.." Ienzo began.

"Oh. I get it." Demyx fake gagged. "And that is disgusting."

"I agree wholeheartedly." Ienzo murmured.

Even chuckled softly. "Anyway, we have work to do."

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