3.Day One: First Glance

Start from the beginning

"Ahh u r such a brat, okay I will go with u and thank u for the clothes" he showed his boxy smile while heading towards the bathroom.

Yeonjun went down and told yoongi and hobi everything about yesterday's taekook encounter. Hobi is laughing hard while yoongi kept smiling "That kid is really something."

Joon went to the raven and showed him the info he found about tae. Jungkook was busy looking at some dates of next deals he has to do when joon entered the hall and gave him his mobile which had the info. They both sat together on the sofa.                                                               

"So turns out that he is a small artist who lives with his friends in Cheongdam-dong" joon said while looking at the screen.

Jungkook opened the information file while hearing the words which left joon's mouth. As soon as he opened he saw the name "So Kim Vante huh" "22"  the words came out more like mocking.                   

"He is smaller than me but still has pretty sharp mouth and courage to talk back" "interesting" while scrolling down when his eyes halted suddenly at a picture, he stared for good few minutes and how will he not when he saw the most beautiful creation of god he has ever seen.

"He is smaller than me but still has pretty sharp mouth and courage to talk back" "interesting" while scrolling down when his eyes halted suddenly at a picture, he stared for good few minutes and how will he not when he saw the most beautiful crea...

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[A/N: I will be writing jk's thoughts in italic and tae's in bold italic ]

So turns out Kim just doesn't have sharp mouth but a beautiful face too....He is ethereal....Jungkook is staring for pretty long now when joon snapped a finger in front of him.
                                                                     What the hell are u thinking jeon snap out of it, for god's sake u r the next mafia leader, u can't go soft for someone or find someone beautiful, but he is beautiful... shut up. As Jungkook heard joon he shut his thoughts and looked at joon.          

"Ahh sorry Joon hyung, u were telling something?!" he asked now distracting himself from the beauty he just saw.

"Nothing kook I was just saying let's go eat breakfast" namjoon replied. Raventte gave the phone back and told the other to mail the file to him.                           

Just then tae came out of his room and stood near the stairs to go down. He is staring at the floor getting all of a sudden nervous coz how he is going to face the rude mafia.                                          

Yeonjun saw him and quickly went up so that the nervous being will feel kinda comfortable.                                                 

"V hyung let's go down" the maknae spoke all while grabbing tae's hand and took him towards the dining area.             

As Jungkook was still busy scanning the file joon just sent him....he didn't saw the two boys coming down.

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