14. Why?

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I can't believe I met him again, my crush, I always loved him, I hope he's still single, he is so cute and handsome, I think Betsy's also in love with him, And now the bell rang, I came out with Zayn Betsy and this girl Eleanor I think came with us. "Hey bets!" Mikey called Betsy she went to talk to him "I'll be back soon guys" I told them and continued walking with Zayn and El it was nice talking to him again I really missed him, "guys I have to go now bye!" El also left, now it was just me and Zaynie boo, he had this smile I never saw him have, he looked happier than ever, at least when we were together. Then we walked up to this girl with a boy he looked cute.
The bell rang and I was with Lou so I continued walking with him to the yard and wait for Zayn. I saw him coming with a girl, they were laughing so hard and Zayn had this smile he never had before, I really wonder what are they talking about, what are they saying that makes him laugh that hard and have this big smile on his face?
"Hey Perrie! This is Parisa, my Best friend... Actually my old best friend, we've known each other since we were 8 till when we were 18." I smiled at her, she also smiled at me, "And Parisa this is Perrie... M-my... Girlfriend" then the girls smile disappeared, I think she loved her, so I don't think we can be good friends cos I want to keep Zayn he's the best man and I want him "And I'm Louis Zayns 'new' Best friend I guess?" Louis and Zayn both laughed "yeah ur right Lou!" They were still laughing "Would you like to join us?" I gave Louis this bad look
"Yeah it'll be cool, we can talk more about our crazy stuff" Ugh all men, always trying to hang out with different new girls😒
"No thanks, I'll go with the boys and Betsy, ur not comfortable with me around" she looked at me sadly and then left. "Soo... I guess we can go now" I tried to make them leave😬 "why did you do that?" Zayn asked
"Do what?"
"That look! It's obvious she saw it, she's pretty good with look meanings"
"How do you know she would say yes before my look?"
"Bc I asked her and she said yeah"
"Well don't u think she didn't knee u had a girlfriend? It's obvious 'she'wanted to be 'your' boyfriend" He then made this confused look "Perries right, all of her joy went away when u said Perrie is your girlfriend" Louis added
"Alright, alright, You win, I'm just a donkey around Monkeys, lets not fight, I don't want to fight with you guys, specially with my girl" He kissed my forehead
I was crying all the way to our table "Hey Parisa!" Charlie walked to me "Whats up? Where ha- wait why are you crying?"
"It's nothing" I didn't want them to know, specially Charlie, I think he loves me?
"What do you mean nothing? your crying Parisa! I don't want to see you cry, tell me who did this!"
"NOTHING! Charlie please just forget about it!" I almost cried my heart out
"C'mon, Parisa, sit here, don't think about what ever it is." Betsy tried to calm me down.
"Thanks" I sat next to Betsy while Mikey and Charlie sat in front of us
We were talking for a while when Charlie asked about Zayn
"So how's this Zayn guy?" I looked at where Zayn's table was he was talking and laughing with a bunch of people with Perrie's hand on his hand
"Great! his awesome I'm so happy to see him again" Charlie realized my sad face then looked at Perrie "who's that girl holding his hand and cuddling with him?"
"Thats Perrie, his girlfriend"
As the bell rang I ran to my car, Betsy was supposed to come to my house after so I wasn't alone in the car.
"Hey wait!" I felt someone's hand hold my arm, it was Zayn
"Uhh, yeah?"
"So I wanted to make sure if we can still hang out and be friends?"
"Yeah sure Zayn! Ur my best friend and you'll always be" I wrote down my number and gave him "this is my new number, hopefully we can keep in touch for a long time!"
"Yeah I hope too and thanks for the number I'll promise I'll text you a lot like always"
"You don't have to if ur busy or something but I'm always on to answer you"
"Ok then bye and also tell Betsy I said bye"
"Ok!!! Now go! You'll be late!Bye"
"Hey!" Betsy came from nowhere
"Why did you take so long?"
"Well I thought I'd give you some time to talk"
"Thanks thats really nice of you Bets"
"No prob P, there are more stuff that I'll do for you babe" she winked and hugged me, I hugged back
"Ok I think we better go now" We sat in the car and started driving.
YAY!!! New update, sorry if it was late school is getting harder and I needed to study.

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