One-Of-A-Kind Friend

884 28 20

D - Coffee?

Waking up was always a bit of a struggle and despite not being there, your friend knew and predicted the solution.

Not only did you have a pounding headache from spending so much time in front of your computer, you also felt a little jittery. It looked to be that the energy drink's sugar was still coursing through you and it might take a little while for it to simmer down. You decided that it was best to grab your bottle of water and take something before replying to the text, the pill you decided on sliding down your throat in hopes of easing the pain.

Shooting a message back at your friend, you ambled over to your bedroom door and swung it open. The contrast between the brightly-lit, open plan sitting room space and your dark bedroom was stark. The sudden change made you wince, shielding your eyes as you made your way to the sofa. Knowing the man, he would want to meet for coffee at the same place, same time as usual: meaning you had quite a while until you needed to go.

When you opened your phone to take a look at the usual chaos, you noticed that another one of your friends, who you happened to know from streaming, had sent you a link. Clicking on it, the URL brought up a newspaper article that had you a little baffled. You would say you were known but you wouldn't say you were a celebrity, but seeing your own facecam picture on the news had you a little surprised.

"Wow." You muttered, disbelieving.

The article was talking about you and how you were one of the "upcoming legends" of the gaming world and that you had "gained momentum" like no other. It caused you a little heat to the cheeks and a impulsive giggle, unable to push aside your feeling of elation. Sure, you loved your job, but never ever did you think it would amount to something like this. You felt more determined than ever; more determined to do the best you could now that people had this expectation. It was a challenge you were more than willing to accept.

After changing into something comfortable and something that wouldn't impede your day to day life, you grabbed your keys and bag - ready to leave. Well, there was one more thing to do. You always had this habit of double checking every window that could open and every door to see if they were shut before leaving. Security was key in the city, especially with the ever-changing ways of criminal activity. Even more so with those that targeted your high-end area, despite the many security cameras and advanced technology. Nothing stopped determined criminals, or anyone for that matter.

Though so far while you had been living in this apartment, nothing had happened. You were as safe, sound and secure as could be. However, that didn't mean that you could waltz around like this was a free country. Things just weren't that simple in life. But no matter, it was time to head out. You had a coffee catch up to attend.


As you expected, it was just as hot outside as it was inside. The city was simply packed, everyone trying to get outside in one way or another. By the time you had completed the short drive to the coffee shop you were a regular at, you felt like you were drenched in your own sweat. Each and every time you touched a metallic part of your car, you would grimace at the burning sensation that tingled at your fingertips.

Thankfully, the car had air conditioning to at least try to save you from melting. But unfortunately the atmosphere itself didn't have such a thing inbuilt; although you wished it did as you almost passed out stepping out of your car and onto the pavement. There were mirages in the road and you could see the ripples of heat jumping on top of your car in waves. Everyone was wearing light clothes and were out on the streets, enjoying their day while boiling at the same time. With a sigh, you slammed the door behind you and the car clicked shut with a cheerful chirp.

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