Loki sighed and stared out of a window. "I don't know, darling. My apologies." He looked back at me, "Did she say anything else?"

My head shook, "Not really. She said she couldn't stay long. There was a spell hiding her from the view of the Olympians, but it wouldn't hold for long which is why she had to leave. I definitely think someone wanted me gone, Loki."

He nodded slowly, letting his eyes drift away from me. "Try not to think about it," he mumbled. "Emotional distractions like that will only impair your magic or make your problem worse."

I sighed. My problem. The black inky magic that dripped from my fingertips anytime I lost my temper. That problem.

Loki was watching my face. "Come," he offered me his arm, "let us go for a walk and explore your new space."

I laughed and took his arm. He could be sweet sometimes.

We walked together in silence for a while, weaving through trees that dotted the landscape and climbing rolling hillsides.

But my curiosity was getting the better of me. I turned to him, hoping to hide the eagerness in my voice. "Loki," I said already too loudly. "Are you happy on Midgar?"

He laughed, "I suppose so. You and your mortals are better company than my horrid father and his court of jesters."

"You seem like you enjoy watching us bicker with each other," I noted.

"It is quite amusing," he sighed. "They are not so bad."

I grinned at him. "You should come downstairs more. I think you'd have fun."

His eyes rolled, and he didn't answer me. I knew he was anxious. About what, I wasn't certain. But I also knew he craved friends. He wanted to feel a part of our world.

"Thank you for coming to my birthday party and my elopement," I said lightly.

He smiled and helped me step up a rock. His hand was warm on mine as he carried my weight up the steep slope.

We had reached the northernmost point of the island. Waves crashed below us violently.

"Thank you for saving me, goddess," Loki said as he looked out to the horizon.

I turned to him, smiling. "I'm glad you're on Midgar with us. Swear to come downstairs more?" I asked, hopeful.

He laughed and turned to me. "Only if you swear to let me come back to your island."

I stepped away from him and extended my hand. His eyes rolled, but he took my hand and shook it. Swear, we both said.

We walked back to the cottage, skipping over stones and talking about what we saw growing across the island. Wildflowers and herbs of all kinds were in abundance. There were grape vines and strawberry patches, peach trees, peppers, and even hemlock.

Inside, Loki sat in a seat near the hearth. The flames lit themselves, and I sat in the chair beside him. "Your mortal men seem kind," he said suddenly.

I turned to him, grinning. "They don't like you very much."

He breathed a laugh, "I do not blame them."

"I think you three could get along well if you tried. They're sweet boys. And I know beneath all your stubbornness, you're kind as well."

His eyes turned to me, disbelieving. "You are sorely mistaken, stupid girl. I do not think it will be easy for your mortals to even tolerate my presence."

"Maybe not," I mused. Steve and Bucky were just as stubborn as Loki. Headstrong and possessive of me. They didn't like his arrogance and time spent alone with me.

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