Number one hero meant being better than his father, but could he? Yes, he wanted to say, but to be better than his father didn't mean throwing away part of his humanity. To lose a part of himself? He gritted his teeth and looked to the ground. It was a promise he had made when he was young, he would be better than this man, than Endeavor and All Might, even if that meant losing himself. Who would have thought that was so incredibly hard? To become someone he wasn't.

No, he couldn't start doubting now, he had to go on, harder, stronger, until he reached the top. Again he looked at his father, the many injuries, bandages, the time it would take to heal, the scars, physical and mental. He would be so much better than that, so much stronger and he would stop at nothing. This person who did this to his father, to all these people, he would prove that he was so much stronger than that.

That was a promise!


That very evening Orochimaru found his way to the secluded bar. All for One had tried to contact him more than once. He had also heard about the stunt the Sannin had pulled and made full use of his contact with the man to get the best and most reliable information about the incident.

"That was unexpected" he told him and Orochimaru grinned.

"I've always been one to do the most unexpected things" he answered honestly and All for One laughed. "I guess that's true" he confirmed.

Shigaraki watched the whole thing in silence. He was angry and he just didn't like the man in front of him. His master said he would be useful, but he saw no use in the assassin. His master said he could learn from him, but so far he had learned nothing from the guy.

He had not been able to stand him from the very beginning, but he endured his presence because of his master and because Orochimaru had said he would stay in the shadows. He had put up with him because he thought that this man would eventually be subordinate to him, without any solo efforts. But then came this. News of him murdering hundreds of people and the situation was only resolved when the military arrived. Now he was marked as highly dangerous and flee on sight. Where was the shadow now?

And while this man was breaking all promises and tearing Shigaraki's nerves apart, he himself was still sitting here, in this old bar, patiently waiting for the day when he could make his debut. He really didn't like him. He would just like to kill him right here and now. He didn't need him, he could do without him, he had his master and he would kill the symbol of peace together with him and start a new era.

He didn't need Orochimaru for that.

"Tomura" he looked up at his name and looked to his master. "Orochimaru is a good ally." only now did he notice that said assassin was missing, "It was a good decision to partner with him back then. Many eyes are now on him and I'm sure he will accomplish many things in the future."

"And what do you want to tell me with that?" Shigaraki interrupted him. Did his master now want to stand in his way as well? He could not believe that. All for One just laughed at his little outburst and remained calm.

"Just imagine what will happen if someone like Orochimaru were to work under you" he explained slowly and Shigaraki's eyes lit up in understanding. Slowly he began to smile, which then turned into a loud laugh.

Yes, he liked the way that sounded. This was really an excellent idea!

Him as the leader with Orochimaru under him, the world would know that he was someone great if he got such a man tamed. Then nothing would be able to stop him and the others would learn to fear him.


"Oh look who decided to show up" Takumi called from the other end of the room as Orochimaru was about to pay the three of them a visit. It was a place he had designed and built especially for them. You could say that it became something like a shared apartment, only underground, with training rooms and a little creepier. All three of his pupils sat at the end of the room on a sofa in front of a television and watched some children's programs. Well, after all, they were just kids.

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