Chapter - 18 [ What do you mean? i don't even like him]

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Bloody Sunset – Chapter 18
[ Turn on music for good experience ]

Time Check – 8 Pm

George and Clay went to visit Zak's house to start learning how to open the portal through the real world , while Zak and Clay were at the office while Darryl and George were at the living room watching television.

George : Yesterday i went stargazing with Clay, it was cool and then he actually went really shy when he asked me something.

Darryl : uhh, maybe you did something dummy thats why he got shy. What did he asked by the way?

George : not really important, something like- " the moon is beautiful isnt it?" Sonething like that. Then i just said " yeah, Stars are pretty  too "

Darryl started to burst out laughing as he wipes his tear.

Darryl : you are literally 24 year old man, and then you don't know what it means?? Try asking him you'll never regret it

George was confused why he was laughing, he just rolls his eyes and chuckles.

Darryl : Just accept it, you like Clay. Everytime we talk you just literally talk about him all the time. You know that someday that we ill get back to the human world we might not see them again.

George : Wait- What do you mean-? I don't even like Clay! Thats disgusting!

Clay and Zak just finished studying, Clay went out first and accidentally heard what George Said, he Glanced at him and he left his chest was being Clenched.

Darryl : oh- you heard us Clay??

Clay : No, i just got out...

They went back home and Clay was awfully quiet, George started to get awkward and thinking why he was acting weird.

George : Hey, Clay?? You alright? Whats for dinner anyways-

Clay : Yeah, im alright. Go get eat something at the freezer. I have no mood for eating dinner.

George : By the way, Last night--

Clay : Just forget about that..

George : Clay- You're acting a little weird, its kinda uncomfortable..

Clay : You are just too selfish George, you never considered someone's feelings.
Why did i end up falling for you--..

George was already there at the kitchen and looking for something to eat, he didn't heard what he said.

George : What did you say?? Sorry, i was distracted .

Clay : You're too damn selfish

George : Wha--..

Clay walked to his room , trying to hold his temper. Patches was confused why Clay was pissed off .

To be continued

Damn Author, you're spoiling the readers today 🤡

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