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(A/n: Please listen to the above mentioned song sung by Monday Kiz and Punch called ~ Another Day from Hotel Del Luna)

(A/n: Please listen to the above mentioned song sung by Monday Kiz and Punch called ~ Another Day from Hotel Del Luna)

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Wang Jun's POV:

I gasp and stammer at his comment, "You.... You knew?"

Chuckling lightly Ge nods, "Of course."

"How? I mean when did you know it was me all along?"

"The day you entered my studio and handed me your lyrics." He knew I was obtuse as Ge suddenly lifted his hand and ruffled my hair tenderly, "Your handwriting gave you away Di."

It then dawned on me. Fuck! Of course it was my handwriting. All those letter I wrote to Ge, obviously he would know it's me!

"So why didn't you say something back then?" I ask sheepishly.

"How could I?" Giving me an indulgent smile Ge continues, "Di mentioned that at the end he would be waiting for me. You've so eagerly planned everything, how could I ruin it because of my deduction?"

Aw man!

Covering my face I mumble behind my hand, "This is so awkward. You knew and here I was making you think that Di was someone else." With a whine I look up and glare at him, "You should have told me Ge!"

"Hm, I did wonder why you insisted on calling me Ge, now I know. Well you hid the truth from me to do good and I hid the truth from you for your good. Let's call it even." Raising his hand to shake mine, Ge was patient with me and me well being me who simply adored the man, I raised mine and called it truce.

"Now Di," stressing on the word Di he grins "I am curious. How did you manage to clear my name and make all of them accountable for their misdeeds?"

With a glee I begin to explain, "When the scandal happened unfortunately I wasn't in the country, but when I came back my team had informed me as to what had transpired. None of them could find you and so I took it up on me to perform the mission impossible and that was to personally track you down.

"Let me confess that it wasn't easy for me to find you. I literally had to become Sherlock Holmes and if Interpol ever wants to hire a detective, I am here. They can hire me. Now I won't confess to the methods used but then in the end this heart was glad that you were at the face of it alright. Once I was convinced, all I had to do then was begin to plot and catch people at wrong time right place."

"So... the sting operation was your idea?"

"Yeah! You read about it, didn't you?"

He nods and I continue, "I'll show you the actual recording one day. Zhang had it coming. This time he just messed up with a very very wrong person. My team had been collecting evidences for quite a while but then they weren't concrete to penalize him. Now I have everything to push him inside a deep pit that even if he tries to crawl out, I'll be there to throw him in again."

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