𝓐 𝓢𝓸𝓷𝓰

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(A/n: Please listen to the above-mentioned music)

(A/n: Please listen to the above-mentioned music)

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Wang Jun's POV:

Closing my eyes I take a deep breath as his music entices my raging soul. Long ago I came across his videos which had him playing various instruments, but the best was him playing his violin. Maybe that was the first time this heart of mine started beating for another soul.

You're music is just like you Ge. Sweet and pure.

Every glide of the bow against the strings made me take that leap of faith and my steps never faltered even once as I stood in his music room, watching him play with an undoubted feeling that what I felt for him was divinity.

Sensing my presence, he raised his gaze to meet mine and right there I felt a bond tugging me towards him, unwilling to leave Ge amidst the chaos swirling in his life.

"Hi," his voice was uber soft.

Calm down my heart.

"Come on in," gesturing me to enter the room, I was mesmerized by the glowing light reflecting on him from the fire pit that burnt in an old traditional style.

Hearing the pit-pat of rains dancing on the parapet, for an outsider witnessing, it would definitely seem like a romantic drama being played out.

"You're music is so breathtaking, Xian. No wonder you're one of the most sought-after musician in our industry." Smiling at his violin I continue, "I never could play violin well. I really wish I could have."

"Why?" His question was simple and without much thought I answer quickly, "So that I could play with G... You."

So close. I need to catch myself everytime from calling him Ge.

Jun, be careful!

"I could teach you."


Before I could react, Ge was right in front of me, holding his violin out for me to take her in my arms.

"Her name is Raga."

Gently placing the violin under my chin and readying my hand with the bow on the strings, Ge takes up the position behind me and I grow still.

Can he hear my heart thundering? Feeling his heat seep into my clothes, I gulp with wonder on how have I not fainted yet?

"You need to be one with the instrument, Jun." His words caress my ears and this time I shiver.

"Are you alright?" He questions and I nod quickly.

How can I tell him otherwise?

Bringing one of his arms on my abs he taps it thrice, "Your core needs to be strong. Remember music comes from the soul, Jun."

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