Part 10

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It was the next morning when you saw Natasha. You bumped into her, your really clumsy and you just don't know why. You both start talking then Nat mentions last night.

Nat: So, how was it with you and Wanda? Maybe you could make me moan like that... *she pulls you close*

Y/n: I mean, of course it was amazing and I could make you moan, maybe louder, I know Peter is at school . So, we have all day...

You grab Natasha's hand and drag her into her bedroom. She has a bigger bed than you so you know this is going to be good. Your in her bedroom , using your powers you close the door, turn the lights of and close the curtains.

You grab Nat by the chin and waist and push her against the wall. You start to take her clothes of, Natasha hesitated but let y/n go on!

Y/n: Everything okay?

Nat: yeah, of course!

You start kissing Nat on the lips making your way to her neck, your still not sure what Natasha's weak spot is so you try to find it.
You start biting at her ear, again making your way to her neck giving her a hickey. You back away from Natasha, using your powers, again, you pull Natasha onto your bed.

Nat: wha-

Y/n: *bringing her finger to her mouth* shhh.

You get on top of Natasha and bring your hands to her neck, choking her. Natasha rolls her eyes and moans. You start playing with her boobs, and begin to suck on them. Natasha moans again but louder. Nat grabs your hair and pushes you down.

You believe this is a hint and pull Nat's pants and underwear off and lift your self up and start rubbing on her clit in circle motions. While rubbing you place your two fingers inside of her and start rubbing on her G-spot.
Natasha instantly starts moaning and screams..

Nat: OHHH!

You start rubbing faster but you suddenly stop to a knock on the door.

Y/n: just as I started getting better *you wink*

Nat: I'll grab it baby.

Natasha stands up from the bed and instantly falls to the ground.

Y/n: *you giggle* hmm so I was doing a good job.

You open the door to see Carol. Carol instantly looks down at Nat.

Carol: hey, uh, is Natasha okay?

Nat: yeah I'm perfectly fine!

Carol: okay. *carol realises what's just happened* OH MY-

Y/n: hmm

Carol: you.. her...

Y/n: yup we did. Well I did *you wink at carol*

Carol: okay okay okay!!!

Y/n: haha what's up *while grabbing Nat*

Tony walks in

Tony: come on ladies!!

Carol: he has ordered food haha

Nat: hmm, I could do with some after what just happened!!

Carol: you both very lucky that Peter is at school!

Y/n: I mean even so, Natasha's room is the only room that has been soundproofed so I would have done it regardless *you wink at Nat*

Carol: to much information miss!
Okay let's go!

You, Natasha and carol walk down to the living room where Tony, Thor, vision and Wanda are. You notice all the food and you all start eating. Wanda looks at y/n.

Wanda: so...

Y/n: hmm

Wanda: Is Nat good?

Y/n: course she is. *you wink*

Everyone noticed you winking.

Everyone besides vision:

Y/n: what it's not my fault! I mean ...

Nat: *giggles*

Vision: I have a sense that Natasha is in pain.

Thor: yes, yeah she is vision. You see when two women love each other they...

Tony: Thor that's enough!!

Thor: fine okay!

Everyone starts laughing and starts eating more food. It's been about an hour and you have all finished eating!

Natasha still not being able to walk looks at

Y/n: okay haha. *you use your powers and carry Nat to your bedroom*

You place Nat on your bed and you place the tv on. Wanda walking up behind you, kisses you on the neck, placing her boobs on your back.

Y/n: hmm.

Natasha laying in bed. You and Wanda join her. Next thing you knew, You where facing Natasha as she starts to kiss you on the lips. Wanda kissing your neck.

Y/n: hmm.

They both stop kissing you getting under the blanket.

Wanda: shall we watch something?

Y/n: sounds like a plan!! Brooklyn nine nine again?

Nat: Yessss!!

Wanda and Natasha fall asleep on you. Looking really peaceful. The sound are their heartbeats makes you super sleepy and you end up falling... asleep...

Y/n: night night sleepy heads.

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