Part 3

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You walk to your bedroom in the compound.

Wanda: HEY Y/N WAIT UP!!

Y/n: Hey Wanda!! What's up?

Wanda: *taking a deep breath* I-I uh-

Y/n: Wanda? Is everything okay?

Wanda: well, yeah I'd course it's just..
I know we just met and all but I kinda like you but I also like Natasha, I don't know what to do...

Natasha walks in

Natasha: the thing is, I like you to Wanda..

Wanda: oh, you heard. WAIT WHAT-

Y/n: uh-

Natasha: and I also uh..
like you as well y/n.

Y/n: you both know this can't happen...
3 people dating? It's wrong! Look, I came here today and I saw you both!

Wanda: I know your right y/n.

Y/n: I like you both as well, I really do! Just a three way relationship? That seems wrong.

Tony walks in.

Tony: Hello lady's! Everything good here?

They all nod

Tony: okay then! Well I'm of to bed. Night night.

Y/n: night

Wanda and Nat nod their heads

Tony leaves the room

Y/n: look, maybe we should talk about this tomorrow? I'm tired and I've drank a little to much!

Wanda: But I-

Y/n: please, we have all drank to much! This might not mean anything in the morning, we will just see what happens okay?

Natasha: y/n ...

Wanda: Y/n come on...

Y/n: Fine, maybe it did mean something, I'm not sure. Like I said I've drank to much! And I probably won't be able to sleep.
*you roll your eyes*

Wanda: Would you l-like to watch a movie?

Natasha: only if I can joinnn!!
*she jumps in happiness*

Y/n: okay okay sure!

You, Natasha and Wanda sit on separate chairs and watch the movie Pitch perfect.
About 1 hour into the movie...

Y/n: you know when this first came out, I saw the movie with my dad and that was when I realised I wasn't straight haha.

Wanda: hold up! Same gurl!

Y/n: omg periodt!

It's been a couple of hours and yous have watched all the pitch perfect movies

Natasha: *yawning* Hmm, I think it's time we all went to bed!

Y/n: sounds like a plan! Nighty night Wanda and Nat!

Wanda: Night girls

You walk alone to your bedroom thinking about the kiss you had with Natasha and Wanda, and you think "what if it did mean something, I mean, it was only a dare, I didn't have to kiss them! I-" you slap yourself "shut up y/n, just go to bed" your finally at your bedroom and fall asleep pretty fast.

It was the next morning when you wake up.


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