Intro/ Backstory

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So I know not many people will probably read this but that's okay. I've come to the point in my life where I need to talk about what I go through but I feel like I can't talk to those close to me so here I am.
A lot of these chapters are just going to be me saying what's going on and if you would like to leave your opinion I would highly appreciate it. If not that's fine cause I feel like writing things out will help me a lot. I have tried journaling in the past but it never worked cause I felt like I was just talking to myself and it never solved anything. So I figured I would give this a try.
To start off, I'm not going to use anyone's real names but other than that everything is 100% true.
So a little about me is that I am 18 years old and a full time college student as well as work full time. I don't have much downtime for anything and that causes me to lose friends and get into arguments with those close to me.
Alright I'm not sure what else to writ here but anyways see ya later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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