Reviews 💛

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I loved I RUN. Thrill, happiness, frustration and sadness would be some of the feelings this book gave me. Amy and Hobi made me experience many emotions through this book and I enjoyed every single one of them. I was so invested and interested in finding out more about the story that waiting for new chapters were a challenge for me. This is a recommended read.

I had a really good and frustrating time reading every single chapter you wrote. An emphasis on frustrating due to Amy's attempts. It was nice to see Amy vouching for her happiness. Once again thank you very much for giving us a good time.  I can't wait to read more of your works.
- tamaracse

I really liked I RUN. The twists and the cliffhangers had me wanting more. It made me feel many emotions. It included genres such as fluff, angst and had a lot of relatable notes.
I love how Amy's experiences can be compared to real life.  How one will do anything they can to get back what they lost, even if time goes by and her efforts seem to be in vain. What you want to save and the hardships you are willing to go through for it, is it worth it?
Thankyou for creating such a masterpiece. I wish lots of love for this beautiful piece and the author💜 - thebbokkyz

Rarely do we see stories on Hobi and I'm glad you chose him. It taught us a lesson. What's not meant to be  will never be, so we need to learn to quit after a point rather than punishing ourselves. Enjoyed the cliffhangers. Ofcourse at times I felt like going i to the book as a character and giving some advice. But the twist was awesome and made it all worth to read the book. Amazing job Alee❤ - Yashidiya

Thanks a lot for writing a wonderful book like this. It was honestly so captivating and makes you want to know what happens next. Its interesting, amazing and simply great. The constant failed attempts got me frustrated but it was still fun. The fact that Amy got to learn her lesson is nice. I can never forget the plot twist... (Also through the course of this book I got to meet you who has become a good friend of mine.) Thanks a ton for letting us experience this and keep writing. Borahae -  mOcHisJaMssSssS

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