Chapter 27

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6 months later. 

Feet up against the wall, two people lay side by side on the carpeted floor. A bunch of boxes lay open around them, some half empty, a few completely empty. 

"My feet are so ugly," said the female voice.

"No, they are cute," said the male voice.

Amy scrunched her face in playful annoyance and said, "You are saying that they are cute because they are smaller than yours."

Hobi turned to look at her and said, "Well, they are small and they are cute."

Amy hit his leg with hers before she laughed. Then she asked, "Whom are you calling for the party?" 

"Well," Hobi said, "Just Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook." Amy nodded.

"...And Lia." 

"Wait, Lia?" Amy sat up straight. "Why Lia? You know I don't like her."

Hobi sat up straight before answering, "Because she is my friend."

"She was my friend too Hobi. Was. Besides, she has feelings for you. It's weird to see her in our apartment," Amy said as she stood up and walked to another open box.

"Fine. In that case, you can't invite Jimin either," said Hobi, still sitting on the floor.

Amy turned around and said, "What? Not this again. Why not? He is a friend of both of us. You introduced him to me!"

"There is a weird vibe from him. He is too friendly towards you," said Hobi.

"What vibe? Neither of us has romantic feelings for the other. We are honestly just friends!" 

"I don't know. I just feel like there is something."

"Why? Do you not trust me?" asked Amy, a hand on her hip now.

"I trust you! But in that case, do you not trust me with Lia?" asked Hobi.

"About Jimin, all you have is a 'feeling' which is wrong. Jimin is such a good friend. But I know for a fact that Lia likes you." 

Hobi stood up at this point and walked to her. He said, "Okay. Alright. How about neither of us call Lia or Jimin?"

As she stood face to face with him, she said in a low voice hoping to not get him upset, "Jimin lives right next door. You can't not invite him, Hobi."

"All the more reason. He should know his boundaries!"

"You got him his apartment!"

"Exactly. And that's where he should stay."

Hobi seemed quite stern in his decision. Amy knew that now there was no point in spending time on this matter. At least not when his mood was bad.

"Fine. Okay," she said, sighed and turned back to her box.

As she looked in it a smile came onto her lips. Brushes, paint, palette; her art things.
She hadn't painted in the past few months and she missed it a lot. Getting lost in an inspiration, she'd lose hours before she realizes it was 2am and she had missed her lunch and dinner. It was her paradise. 

Watching her smile into a box, Hobi walked over and peered into it. 

"Ah. Your painting stuff. Let them remain unpacked. It's not like you are actually going to paint any time soon," he said before he walked away. 

Amy's smile fell. She felt a bit hurt. She opened her mouth to respond but stopped herself. 

He was right. She hadn't painted in months because she wanted to concentrate on her studies. There was no point in arguing about it. 

I Run | BTS | JHope Fanfiction | Completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora