Noemi Flores (ENG)

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"Die you sucker!"

Two shots were fired from the M4A4, killing the terrorist who had hidden behind some boxes and causing his body to fall to the floor. The words "Counter-Terrorists win" flashed over the screen.

"Take that you sons of bitches!"

"You are getting carried away again, Noms."

A pale girl with fluorescent green hair pushed herself away from her desk causing the gaming chair she was currently residing in to roll backwards. She snatched up a bag of chips and a can of 7up before pushing herself back in front of the computer screens.

"Come on Vic, have you never heard of the heat of battle?", the girl said while moving the microphone of her headset away from her mouth to gulp down some of her soda and throw a few chips in her mouth.

"It still doesn't give you the right to yell profanities at your enemies."

"Jezz, Victor, you act so innocent sometimes. It's not like they heard me."

"That doesn't really make it better."

"How does Elias stand dating such a goody two shoes?"

"I'll have you know that he loves me for exactly who I am. He told me when he brought me home after our date today, well yesterday as of a few minutes ago."

"Right, you still have to tell me how it went, but later. The new round is starting."


The room was dark now that the computer had been turned off. Only a few tiny LEDs could be seen indicating that several devices were charging. Then Noemi flicked the switch of her bedside lamp and the room was somewhat illuminated. After putting in her wireless earbuds she quickly changed into her pyjamas as she hummed along to Waterparks' "[Reboot]". She tossed her clothes in one corner of the room and then stepped over the miscellaneous items that were scattered across the floor and included but were not limited to clothes, books, papers, pens and empty chips bags to make her way to the bathroom.

Having brushed her teeth and washed her face she returned to her room. After she cracked open the window and took out her ear buds Noemi slid under her covers. Tossing around for a while she finally found a comfortable position and soon she was drifting off to sleep.


"Noemi! You have to get up now or you will be late!"

In an instance the girl shot up straight in her bed. She glanced at her alarm clock and sure enough she only had half an hour left if she wanted to make homeroom on time. She must have forgotten to set her alarm last night. Quickly she changed into some cargo shorts, a shirt that still smelled alright and a crumpled up hoodie she found on her bedroom floor. Then she proceeded to stuff some of the papers and books into her bag and threw in a can of coke and a bag of chips for lunch.

After stuffing her phone, earbuds, keys and student ID into her various pockets Noemi slipped into a pair of worn out Vans that stood by the door. With her bag over her one shoulder and her skateboard in her hand she rushed down the stairs.

"You could have at least worn fresh clothes", her mother scolded as she took in her daughter's appearance and packed a box full of pasta and a fork into the bag.

"Coop is currently on week three of not showering, mom. I think no one will notice. Besides I don't really care", the girl retorted whilst filling a bottle with water.

After throwing that into her bag as well she put in her earbuds and ran out the front door slamming it shut behind her. Then she hopped on her skateboard and skated down the road towards school.

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