Chapter 3: Revelation at the Cackling Skull!

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Last time Rias and the rest of her Peerage followed Issei to discover the cause of his sudden strange behavior. They of course learned about Issei's new sparring partner and now Rias has a few questions about the mysterious sword wielding Devil.

Rias didn't like being left in the dark on things, and her pawn's new sparring partner was one big question mark to her and even to Issei to a lesser extent. This of course got on her nerves to no end, it didn't help that there was something oddly familiar about this "Rhythm Samurai" to her and she just couldn't put her finger on it. So that's why as the sun was setting, Issei was currently leading her and the rest of her Peerage to this lone Devil's place of employment. "What exactly are we walking into Issei?" Kiba asked as he gave his friend a sideways glance.
                "Just a cafe, it's a little gothic, but it's nice." Issei said as he didn't quite understand what the point of the question is. Issei was punched in the back by Koneko as he quickly looked over his shoulder at the short girl. "The hell Koneko?!" Issei growled as he rubbed his now sore back. "That's not what he meant perv, what should we expect from the owner? You said he was a Devil as well." Koneko said in her usual monotone voice. "The Count? He's pretty friendly, pretty damn weird, but a nice guy all the same." Issei said as he remembered the cafe owner was rather pleasant when he was giving him gentleman training.
                Issei looked up to see that the Cackling Skull was just down the street as a smile spread across his face. "Instead of asking me these questions, why not ask Samurai and the Count yourselves." Issei said as he pointed to the cafe that appeared to be rather empty at this time of day. "My it's rather dreary looking, isn't it?" Akeno said as she looked at the cafe that consisted of mostly dark colors. "Don't let the outside give the wrong idea, trust me it's rather lively in this place!" Issei said with a knowing chuckle that only confused the others even further.

Inside the Cackling Skull
Lucien was in his usual work clothes with the addition of his beanie as he never knew when he Issei would drop by for a visit. Lucien heard the jingle of the bell indicating the front door opened. Lucien looked up to see that his sister and her entire peerage enter the cafe. "Dammit! Should've known my sister would want answers about a random line Devil in her territory!" Lucien thought to himself in annoyance at his own oversight. "Well, well Dragon Boy, finally decided to bring some friends along?" Lucien said as he decided to roll with the punches.
                   "Nah, the President twisted my arm on this one. You and the Count mind answering a few of her questions?" Issei asked as Lucien resisted the urge to curse under his breath. Lucien turned to look over his shoulder in the direction of the Count's office. "Count! We got guests that are here to see both of us!" Lucien shouted over his shoulder as the door to the office opened as Skell walked out in an outfit matching his own with his trademark hat on his head. "Well, well! Nice of you to finally introduce us to your associates Issei!" Skell said as gently tapped his cane on the ground to punctuate his point.
                 Rias stepped forward as she had no intention of waiting any longer for answers. "My name is Rias Gremory, member of the Gremory Family. You two are currently within my territory, what business do you two have here?!" Rias demanded as the Count let out an amused chuckle. "My you certainly carry yourself in a similar fashion to your brother! Oh, but where are my manners? I am Count Skell Anton, a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Skell said as he took his hat off his head before doing a little bow in a mannerly way to the peerage leader.
                Rias's eyes widened in shock when the Count said his name. "Your the infamous Gentleman Thief Count Skell! Your wanted by all three factions for the numerous powerful weapons you have stolen from all of their territories." Rias said as she couldn't believe she was standing in front of the most wanted man in all three factions. "Oh my reputation precedes me! Well do not fret, I have no intention of stealing from you Lady Gremory. I simply wish to have a peaceful home in this cafe of mine." Skell said as he was unfazed by being found out.
Rias grit her teeth as a red magic circle appeared in front of her as she aimed a spell at the Count. "You have stolen from your own kind! You are the most skilled thief alive, yet you don't assist your fellow Devils!" Rias growled as she was ready to launch her attack at the Count. "Temper, temper Lady Gremory, it would be unwise to rattle my bones, would it not?" Skell asked as he looked up at Rias with the smile still present on his face, but a dangerous aura spread throughout the cafe that caused Rias and the rest of her peerage to go weak in the knees.
Rias's spell died out as she gently fell to her knees from the overbearing sense of dread that just ran through her. "Now then, if you must know, as a gentleman I rather detest war. So I choose to stay neutral, that being said it does not mean I will let such dangerous objects stay in possession of the factions when relations are rather strained." Skell said as he took a seat as Lucien poured him a cup of tea. "Thank you Young Chap, I need something to take the edge off after my rather unsightly display just now." Skell said as he took a sip of the beverage.
Rias finally turned towards the mystery Devil as she remembered her main reason for coming here in the first place. "What about you? You show up with that sword and strange arm of yours and kill Strays. What's your end goal?" Rias said as she stepped towards Samurai while locking eyes with him. "I have my reasons, besides I don't owe you any kind of explanation." Samurai said calmly as Rias started to growl under her breath at his rather rude answer. "You are aware of who my brother is correct?" Rias said in a dark tone as she glared at him.
Lucien was a mixture of annoyed and nervous given his current situation as his sister was right in his face. "Are you aware that you barged into our business, threatened the owner, and are now demanding answers from me like we attacked you and your peerage?" Lucien fires back as he gives Rias a glare of his own. Before another word could be spoken, Koneko stepped in front of Rias before delivering a powerful uppercut to Lucien.

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