Chaper 21

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Kinsley's POV

I'm so exhausted.

Dixon is at work, Savannah is at my mom's house, and today, I'm here at our house. Something is off, and I just know it is. I feel awful this morning, and I don't know why. The last two weeks have been fine, I've felt perfectly fine but I think I'm getting influenza or something. My nose is stopped up, my body aches, and I feel so sore. I know I'm getting sick and Savannah can't be around me like this. So I haven't seen her last night, or this morning and I miss her. She's growing so fast I don't want to miss a second, but I knew that when one of the girls came to the warehouse to help pack boxes and her child was sick, that she'd been exposed, and I'd end up sick.

I sit down on the couch with soup as I cover myself in pounds of blankets. I'm about to freeze but I'm sweating at the same time. I don't know what's wrong with me. I look horrible, my hairs a mess, I'm in Dixon's tee and underwear only, and I just feel bad.

It's quiet as Maddox sits next to me rubbing my leg with his head occasionally. I miss Dixon too, he was supposed to be here but he left too. He went to work and I think he's staying with my parents while I'm here. I just feel terrible.

I lay down and almost fall asleep until I hear the doorbell go off and knocks at the door. Going into our bedroom, I grab a pair of shorts and slip them on before taking the blanket with me to the door to cover myself up. I look out the peephole as I see the one person I didn't expect to see. Travis. I haven't seen him in weeks, not since he caught Dixon and I fucking.

I unlock the door before opening it and coming face to face with him. While holding tissues in my hands and with puffy and red eyes. "Oh my god Kinsley what's wrong with you?" He asks instantly as I sigh.

"I think it's the flu, I'm not letting myself be around Savannah or my family right now so they don't get sick. You should go." I demand trying to close the door as his hand stops me.

"I owe you an apology." He tells me as I still. I stop the door as I look at him.

"I came to yell at you. I came to demand that you tell me why you cheated on me, but when I got here, and I thought about it, Kinsley I know you. And I'm stupid to think that you'd cheat on me, I know you wouldn't. But be honest with me, did you end it because of him?" He asks me as I stand still.

"No, I was really considering it before then. We weren't happy Travis. I thought about it before then, but I know you have had to. He just showed up and so did my feelings again and I didn't know what to do. So I tried to make myself fall in love with you again and I couldn't." I demand looking down at the ground. I try to catch my breath but start couching as I push the door halfway shut and crutch the other way.

"Okay. Then I have to do this no matter how fucking sick you are." He demands walking into the house as he grabs my face in his hands and seals his lips down on mine. He tries to push his tongue into my mouth as I instantly push him away and shove his chest.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell at him as I push him to the door. He tries to grab my hands as I push him away. "We're divorced and I'm with Dixon!" I shout to him as he stops me from pushing him out. He grabs my body and pushes me up against the wall as I turn my head away from him. I'm weak, and I can't fight him back.

"Kinsley I still want you." He tells me as I shake my head no and try pushing him away.

"Let me go. Get off of me." I demand pushing him away as he grabs my face again and kisses me harshly. I pull away and push his head away as he grips my ass and I pry his hands off as he kisses me again.

Kinsley's Affection (Kingston Spin-off #4) ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang