Part - 41 Accident or Planned

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Flashback Continues

Abhi was Sitting in the Bench lost as he has Changed the School and today is the First day and he don't know anyone here so he was alone.......

Suddenly his Thoughts disturbed as someone came and Hide Behind Him

He saw a Boy who is drenched with Water...Abhi got Confused what happened to him so he heard the Boy saying

Yaar pls Help me that Devil will kill me if she Get to know where I am pls pls.....pls..... He Said with a Fear

Abhi nodded with a Smile......

Soon the Boy hide behind Abhi...

Abhi saw his Right side one Cute Girl is Searching Something and he understood she is searching for the Boy who is hiding

The Girl came to Abhi and Said

Hiiii did u see some Idiot here who Is drenched with Water she asked Sweetly

Abhi first nodded in Yes then in No then in Yes as he don't know what he is Doing......

The Girl Said ok I'll search him other side byee.....she went

Abhi turned to the Boy and Saw him sat on the Bench

Thanks Yaar today u have Saved My Life the boy said he was about to Continue before that someone poked his Hands he saw and Got Horrified

Finally I found u Idiot the Girl said with a Smile

The Boy said Yaar pls save me from this Devil he hide behind Abhi

They Both are Fighting and Abhi was trying to Seperate them finally Having Enough he Shouted


Both Stopped and Abhi asked about the Fight

He / She Started

Abhi narrowed his Eyes the Boy said

Yaar see I was just pulling her Hair but she pour whole water on my Head

So what should I do u idiot dance Karo kya.....Girl said Sarcastically

Ok ok Guys Don't fight Abhi asked they Both Nodded

The Boy Introduced Himself

Hiii I am Vishal Thomas now I am Staying in Hostel soon My GrandParents are Coming to stay With Me

Hi I am Veera Singh I live with my Parents.....

Hi I am Abhimanyu Murthy u can Call me Abhi.......

Manan ff Searching My Star⭐  In Whole Darkness🌑Where stories live. Discover now