Part - 58 Who is that Person

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Sanju Had Tears Seeing Abhi Talking Freely With Manik and Nandu Bcz She Never Seen him this Comfortable and Happy Till now. Mainly his Smile Reflects in his Eyes How much happy He is.... She was Thinking Why She Couldn't Be with him Like this.

Anthra Saw Her Crying and She Felt Pain in her Heart In all her Game She used her Daughter as Pawn and She thought Everyone Will Replace Pari By her Daughter But,  What she Don't Know that time Was No One Can Replace anyone's Place Be it Pari or Sanju




Both are Different and Both Had their Life......

Which Sanju parents Didn't Realise Till now

Sanju went from there Crying and Anthra Had Tears For as She Never Saw Sanju Crying bcz Anthra was never there in her Life.  After Few Months of Sanju Birth, Sanju was Been Taken Care of MJ Parents Who Loved Her a Lot.  Then She again Send Sanju to Raman Family. After Years She Was Thinking Why She didn't Spend Any Moment With her Only Daughter.

Here thoughts broke By a Tap on her Shoulder

She Turned and Saw MJ there Now Both went to her Room

MJ Today When I Saw Our Sanju Crying na I thought Why Couldn't I have any Moments With our  Daughter Anthra Asked Him and Her Eyes Had Tears Which Came Out Without Her Knowledge

Even he to Felt Sad as They Both were So much interested in Money that They Forget The Most Precious Person Of their Life


They Thought they Can Get Back Sanju as their Daughter After Getting Money But Is it Possible.......Naah they Both Lost her On that Day Itself When they Made Her Part of Raman Family Which is Why Many Life's Have Changed. But Destroying Others Life How Can they Live Happily Karma Will Never Leave anyone and Their Sins will Never Change what they Did in Past Let's See What Happens......

In Kitchen

Abhi and Manik were Arguing But Stopped Suddenly they Thought Why Nandu didn't Talked From Long  they Both Saw the Beautiful Scene.

Aarav was Sleeping on Nandu's Lap and She Leaned on the Wall and Sleeping Their Face had Ice-cream they were Confused who is the Child here

Both Looked at Each other and Smiled
Abhi Picked Aarav  in his Arms and Manik Picked Nandu Both Went to their Room Without Disturbing their Sleep

Manik Made her Lie Down Comfortably, He took Towel and Cleaned Her Face He Saw Smile Because She Recognised his Touch in Sleep Also He Just Kissed Forehead with all the Love Which He Has For Her, Both Slept Cuddling Each Other

Next Day Morning

Everyone Assembled in Dinning Table Today Their Dadi's Manjeet and Chavi Cooked Food For Everyone.

Nandu Was Sitting Between Abhi and Manik, Manjeet Made  Spicy Noodles  which  Sanju likes. But that Dish was Passed to  Nandu plate By Mistake Which No one Saw.

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