"Are your friends here?" You nodded.

"Yeah, they're downstairs." He sighed, turning around to face you. "Are you ready?" He nodded.

"We can go."

"The bassinet," you said, going to get it. He shook his head and walked over himself, picking up the present you'd wrapped. "Thank you."

You hurried back to open the door for him and you began your way down to where the party was to take place.

"Are you drinking?" he asked. You looked up.

"There'll be alcohol?" He shrugged.

"Probably." You shrugged too. "Do you drink?"

"A little," you said honestly. Only ever when Taehyung was home to supervise you. And he only let you have a little bit; you'd never gotten crazy drunk or anything like that; just tipsy enough to blabber nonsense. "Do you?" He shrugged but didn't respond. You figured he did.

Yoongi went to put the present with the rest and you decided to sit with Jungkook and the other mother-to-be while Jimin was nowhere to be found. Jin, n/w's brother who you'd met quite a few times now, was sitting across from you, his toddler running around the table.

You chatted with j/gf and Yoongi sat next to you, staying silent. It was during the evening, which was new for you. You'd only attended baby showers serving brunch. But dinner was fine.

"Hey, kid, want one?" You turned and smiled to see Jimin holding up a cake pop. Esther ran to him.

"Chim!" She took it from him, chewing. "Yum."

"Follow me-- I know where the rest of those are." She squealed and ran after him. Jungkook's jaw dropped

"That's full of sugar!" he gasped. You laughed, as did his fiancee.

"She's only two, Kook; a little sugar won't hurt." He frowned.

"Yeah, but she could get addicted to sugar." You shook your head, sipping your drink. Wine really didn't need to be served at a baby shower-- any alcohol in general. "Let's not give our little guy any sugar 'till he's... five."

"Five?" j/gf repeated. "Jungkook, everything has sugar in it."

"Yeah, but added su--" He was cut off by a shriek. You all, including Yoongi, turned to see Esther running across the room, Jimin chasing her. Jungkook pointed. "See?"

"Princess-- come eat," her father said, calling out. She ran into his legs and he picked her up. "Want some spaghetti?"

"Getti?" she asked. "Want getti."

"Then we can have this cupcake after, okay?" Jin sat down again with his daughter in his lap. Jimin placed the cupcake she'd chosen over the cake pop (as it was bigger) next to her and she looked at it longingly. "Dessert comes after, princess, that's like-- basic fundamentals of eating."

"Fun- tals," she repeated, swinging her legs as Jin fed her. You smiled and she giggled at you. She rested her head against her dad's shoulder as she chewed and moved her gaze to your left.

You turned to see her hold direct eye contact with Yoongi, as you often did, smiling. Yoongi stared right back and to your surprise, smiled too. Your eyes widened a little as he chuckled a little, smiling at her with this gummy smile you'd never seen before.

It made your heart melt.

He looked back at you when he felt you staring and you quickly dropped your gaze to your lap. He stopped smiling too and Esther became distracted as Jin shoved her dinner into her mouth. Only she, they, were allowed dinner this early. Her bedtime was coming soon and so a plate just for her was brought out. Everyone else had to wait.

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