Chapter 14

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2 weeks later

"We leave tomorrow. I am actually sad to go." Hobi says placing an Uno card on the pile in the middle of the kitchen table.

"It was a nice vacation for sure." Yoongi sighs and picks up a card.

"Can someone change the damn color," Namjoon says picking up a card.

"I already can't wait to come back." Jin places a card down.

"+ 2 BOOM! Yeah, I can't wait to come back either." Taehyung gets too excited about his card.

I laugh "We will come back eventually." I play a +4 on top of the +2

"I think we really destressed and actually had a fun time. It was also fun to meet Princess's friends and family and home state. UNO!" Jimin Yells placing his card down.

"It was fun seeing our calm emotionless Jungkook get in a fight over a girl," Hobi says laughing.

"hahaha laugh it up. She picked me and that's all that matters." Jungkook shakes his head.

"awe don't get butt hurt over it. I found it endearing." I kiss his cheek.

"well, what should we do for our last night here?" Hobi asks

"Sleepover in Baby Cee's room," Jimin says excitedly. They talk amongst themselves and I get up and go outside for fresh air.

"You okay?" Jimin closes the door behind him.

"yeah just looking at the stars one last time."

"You know he has a surprise for you at home in Korea, right?"

"Who?" I ask Confused

"Jungkook. He has a whole surprise planned out."

"for what?"

"I don't know but I can truthfully say he loves you." He kisses my forehead and walks back inside. I look at the stars and see a shooting star.

"I wish for these 7 boys to always be in my life and Jungkook to be my forever." I close my eyes and whisper into the night sky.

"Hey what are you talking to yourself?" Jungkook puts his arms around my waist from behind.

"No just..." I look at him admiring me "Nothing let's go inside.

2 year later

"I can't believe we are back at Guevara Ranch," Yoongi says fixing his bow tie.

"I can't believe it is for one of our owns wedding," Jin says crying.

"I can't believe our Baby Girl is becoming a woman and our Baby Boy is becoming a Man," Namjoon says wiping a tear from his face.

"A BTS wedding for sure," Hobi says

"Did you see our baby girl?" Jin asked Namjoon

"Yeah, she looked so beautiful. Jungkook is so lucky." Namjoon replies

"are you ready?" Taehyung asks Jungkook at the altar.

"Been ready since the first day I met her." He says having a flash back

"Are you ready?" Jimin asked me

"I'm nervous but I have never been more ready." I say confidently.

"You look Beautiful." He kisses my forehead. "I still don't know how you convinced the 6 of us to be your brides maids." He smiles.

"Well Zee my man of honor and I are very convincing." I chuckle.

I walk out of the room and get in place. The boys give me good luck I love you kisses before it starts. I can't believe this is how my life turned out.

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