That's two times too many

Start from the beginning

"Dude, if we drink too much more, I am going to have to crawl back." Dawson groaned. "That is the point. Why do you think we are at the bar here? It's like sixty feet to our doors." "Good thinking." "It was. Drink." Holton slid the glass over to Dawson.

"I think you are an idiot personally, but then, so am I." Dawson clinked his glass to Holton's. "For panning after her?" "No, for not fighting for her in the first place." "I should have." "Yes, you should have. She was right there for you to take."

"I didn't think she liked me. And I was not in the mood to chase some random girl." "No, but then in the bar, you should have said something, before Craig got ahold of her." "It was too late." "Bullshit. You were just chicken."

Holton was shocked at Dawson. "I was not chicken. Craig is like my brother, and we do not do that shit to each other." "He gave you the chance to speak up, and you didn't." "I was an idiot." "We have established that." Dawson held up his glass and they toasted again.

"They are pretty good together." Holton felt stupid even saying that. "No, they aren't." "Why would you say that?" "She is way too much for him to handle. She will get bored with him sooner or later."

"That is not nice." "It's true." "No, she is pretty into him." "She is pretty into you too. I saw the way she winked at you at dinner the other night. And what did she whisper that embarrassed your ass? Your cheeks were redder than...uh...something red."

"That was my fault. I had a hard-on like you wouldn't believe, and when she hugged me, she felt it." "You are a dumbass." "I couldn't help it. Have you looked at her? She is fucking gorgeous." "She is cute." Dawson had no idea what pretty was.

"And that laugh, it could keep me alive for days. She tilts her head back just enough and her lips are right there. I could just lean over and kiss her every time." Holton exhaled out his deepest desires. What he wouldn't do for just one brush of those lips.

"Who are you?" Dawson leaned in for a closer look. "I have no idea." Holton drained the glass in front of him and waived for another. He was going to forget her even if he had to drown her memory in alcohol.

"You really love her, don't you?" "Yes." "Damn. That sucks." "It does, but you know, I want her to be happy more than anything. And I know Craig will do that. He will spoil her and buy her all the best things and take her to all the fancy restaurants and do all the things that make her smile."

"No, he won't." "What?" "He hates the outdoors. Look at the damn canoe. He was terrified. We laughed at his ass for hours." "Yeah, but he tried, and that is more than he has with anyone else. Normally he would just say no."

"True." "Shit, do you think he loves her already?" "I don't know." "I should ask Dave." Holton took out his phone and dialed. "What are you doing?" Dawson tried to take his phone, but he turned away. He had to know. This was life or death. Well, at least it felt that way.

"Dave, I need to ask you something." Holton slurred as Dave answered. "Are you drunk?" "Yes." "Ok. What's up?" "Do you think Craig loves Madilyn already?" "What?" "Do you think that Craig is in love with Maddy?" He said slower.

"Becker, are you out of your mind?" "No. I need to know. Dawson and I are wondering." "Yeah, he might." "Damn." Holton's head hit the bar. Ugh. That hurt.

"I thought you were working through that?" "I am. I tried. I mean trying. I am trying. We were just talking." "Why does it matter?" Dave asked and before Holton could pause, he answered, the words just falling out.

"Because I love her." He exhaled against the cool wood. "Uh, Becker, I think you need to go sleep it off." "I probably should." "Yeah, and I would keep that nugget to myself if I were you." "Ok. Don't tell her." "I won't." "Cool. Kiss the girls for me. I am going back to my drink." He hung up, not waiting for Dave to answer.

"He said he does. Damnit. Guess I will find me a hottie and get laid." Holton said as the pain burned in his chest again. Who wouldn't love her? She was perfect. He should have told her. God, he should have just pulled her into his arms and told her. He had so many chances and he just chickened out. Dawson was right, he was afraid. And now, his entire body burned with the loss he felt. It was like nothing he had ever felt before.

"Holton?" Dawson laid a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah?" He blinked as Dawson handed him a napkin. "What?" He looked at him wondering what the hell he was doing. Then realized he was crying. What the hell? "Must be the sand." He said as he wiped his eyes. And then he ordered two more doubles and that is the last thing he remembered.


"What was that about?" Maddy asked as she watched Lacy move her piece on the board. Dave looked at Craig, who looked at Maddy, then back at Dave. Whatever it was, Craig looked pissed.

"Holton was drunk and had a stupid question." "What?" Lacy looked up to Dave, who shook his head. "Don't worry about it." Dave looked at Craig. "You heard that?" Dave added. "Yeah, twice now." Craig grumbled. "He's drunk." Dave shrugged. "He might want to stay down there." Craig growled and that made Maddy more curious.

"What was it?" "Nothing." They both answered. "OK then. Dave, you are up." Maddy handed him the dice and adjusted on the pillow she was sitting on. Maddy could feel the tension in the room growing as they continued their game.

Maddy left it alone, but as soon as Craig excused himself, Maddy asked Dave again. "What did he say?" "Nothing." "It pissed Craig off." "He was being a dick." Dave was avoiding looking at Maddy so she figured it was about her. It had to be with the way they were both acting. Craig had barely looked at her since the call.

"About what?" She was determined to find out. "Just drop it. It will be best for all involved." Dave looked towards the hallway that Craig went down a few minutes earlier. "Oh." She kind of understood. "Yeah, just drop it. Holton was smashed and he can get a little vulgar sometimes." Dave was whispering, so it must have been bad.

"Ok, well, roll." Maddy nodded and tried to let it go, but now she was sure it had to do with her now. Especially by the way Craig and Dave kept looking at each other, then her, then each other.

After their game, Craig gave her a long deep kiss goodnight, and then headed home, even though she asked him to stay. He promised to make it up to her on Friday, by staying the whole weekend, so she agreed and let him go before heading in to clean up.

"Still not going to tell me?" She asked Dave as she put the glasses in the dishwasher. "No." "Tell Lacy. Then she can tell me later." She teased. "No to that too. This was a guy thing." Dave tried.

"You know I am not stupid." "Never said you were. Trust me, you do not want to know." "I might." "You don't." "Fine." She could always call Holton herself. If he really was that drunk though, he might not remember what he said. Dang it. She would just wait, Lacy would find out eventually and tell her.

Maddy crawled into bed, then decided that she had a great story in mind and wrote out some notes. It was not a kid's book this time, and not something she was going to share, but the story came to her easily and in just an hour, she had an outline and a plot. She was going to enjoy writing this one.

And she did. She sat at her desk and typed feverishly as the words flowed through her fingers. She had a great imagination, and this was no exception. She had no idea she could write this kind of thing, but she was, and she liked it.

After another two hours, she noticed it was 3 am and knew she needed to go to bed, but the story was unfolding, and she was excited to see where it was going. So excited in fact, that she realized how turned on she was. That had never happened before.

She decided to break, took care of herself and then passed out, eager to start again tomorrow after work. Her dreams were vivid and full as she dreamed of her newfound characters and what they would do tomorrow.

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