8 | Consolation in December Air (2)

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Then, a barking alerted her as her eyes fluttered open, annoyance gleaming in them.

"Max," she grumpily hissed as she removed herself from Eren's arms, gazing at the scene.

Max sat there, his expression resembled a mix of annoyance and a want. He's hungry, Mikasa concluded. She got up and wandered to the kitchen, leaving the dog to stare at Eren as if he was a genie or some sort of mystical being. Her hands wandered over the cabinets, trying to remember the one where all of Max's food was stored; her mind still groggy from sleepiness.

She had wondered, would Max even take food from her? They were still cautious of each other post the incident.

Before she knew it, Eren was gone. It was just her and the dog. The room was eerily quiet, and Max sat there, him not facing her— his neck craning to the opposite of his body as if he wanted to spite her. God, he was so stubborn— so, so Eren.

Her grip tightened on the dog food container and poured it onto the bowl, each piece making a plattered sound. Sonorous.

She handed him the bowl, sliding it across the floor; contrary to the gesture, her intentions were genuine.

The bowl stopped at Max's feet, him gazing down at him. Abruptly, he turned his head back as if he was rejecting a peace treaty. God, he was so stubborn. She got up and searched for Eren. The whole house, there was no one. Her brain peaked as the familiarity of this place hit her. This was her penthouse!

So where was everyone? What am I—

Reactionary, a really hard migraine grew and she had to sit down.

Right, Eren... Eren and Max.

She decided that she would need to take a breath outside and went to the elevator. Her head was still throbbing with such pain that she did not notice the furry companion that accompanied her.


Max ran from the elevator door, scurrying as fast as possible as Mikasa could do nothing but stand still and watch; the dog ran out the automatic doors and quickly disappeared in the lively street that was outside.


She could not afford to lose Max, especially since he was Eren's favorite. She had never seen him happier with the dog, well, except with her of course.

Taken into consideration, it might have been their fault for caging in the dog. It was Eren's idea to install automatic doors because the seamless nature of outside and inside would blend, and it made him feel free. Of course, it was a nice design choice, except for the freedom bullshit of his but she understood, he hated the feeling of being caged.

Must have been the same for Max— Eren Jr..

So, she sat and waited. Max wanted freedom, so she would allow him to have it, but it still hurted her. She had a weird connection with the furry monster; he would be there to warm her at night, his bulging eyes, and his puppy expression had amused her at her darkest days. Much like Eren.

In addition, the question still lies. Would she forgive him for hurting her?

Of course she would, if he came back.

And soon enough, there was the dog, with a bird, at her door.

Her world turned upside down, black turning to white. Groggily, she sat up from the warm comfort of her bed. Her lips tasted dry and she could feel the lack of water down her throat. What a weird dream. Her room lined with an Earthy, modern vibe. Everything was so surreal.

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