Just One More...

30 14 17

It's... been a while since I last posted a poem, but here's another one :))
It's just something that struck me at 12 in the morning. It's more lighthearted than the ones I've written before, but I hope you like it!


Just One More...

Just one more I promise myself

Scrolling through Pinterest

One more pin then I'll do my work

Just one more I mutter hours later, just one more...

Just one more I think

Bingeing on Netflix

One more episode then I'll stop

Just one more I mutter hours later, just one more...

Just one more I tell myself

Scrolling through Wattpad

One more chapter then I'll sleep

Just one more I mutter hours later, just one more...

Just one more I tell myself the next morning

One more minute as I hit the snooze button

Just one more, I think to myself as I drift off again

Just. One. More...


So.. yeah, that's that. What'd you think? 

If you like it please vote and comment, it would mean a lot to me.

Thanks :))

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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Shades of Reality (A Compilation of Poems)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora