Song Of The Suffering

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The cover in the banner above is made by anonymousalienn
all credit for the cover goes to her

The video above is meant to be played with the song, as the background music, but you don't need to play it, it's fine with or without it, but it may slightly change the pace at which you read the poem.

"Voices around the world are dying to be heard, noticed and accepted 
Fighting for a fair chance at life

Is it not heard? Cries of help from these suffering souls
Is it not seen? The cruelty being inflicted

Yet no one does anything to stop it

This poem is a tribute to all those poor suffering souls"


Song of the Suffering - An Anti Racism Poem

Shoved into walls,
Pushed into cages,
Punched in the ribs.

A bruise on her shoulder,
A scar on her arm,
A crack in her composure

This, oh, what she goes through every day
Treated like a punching bag,
Like a piece of trash
Yet the heart just yearns to belong

Knows it's a pointless wish,
For this cruel world will never accept her
But does it hurt to hope?
At least that's what she thinks.

It starts,
Cuts on her wrists, 
Blood dripping
Dignity crumbling,
Cruelty unrelenting.

Cuts deepening, 
insults forbidding
Murky rivers flowing,
Oh, what metallic glow!

The knife glints as it salutes her
The blood greets her like an old friend
This poor soul

She thinks she's a waste to the world,
Thinks it would be a better place without her
Yet, she'll never know

Lost in a spiral, 
flick of a wrist,
That's it. 

Life left hanging,
World left laughing.
Story unfinished.

Is it not heard?
Cries of suffering souls like her?
Only fault seems to be,
They're different colours of ethnicity 

Not painted to perfection, 
Made a problem in this world of black and white
An imperfection.

Is it not seen?
Crimes of abuse, 
blissfully ignored,
Not an ounce of sympathy?

Do they not hear the plea?
Of those being tortured without mercy?
It's futile, the hatred they're receiving
And all for what?
The fact that they don't fit in?

Or for they simply don't care
These souls are being broken. Shattered. Bruised.
All for the unfeeling tyrants need for superiority and despair

So heavily downgraded, 
though near perfect in state
Used harshly then carelessly thrown away
Ever falling into a dark abyss

Pity really, what this world has come to
Discriminating people for what they see
Instead of who they are and who they can grow to be

When shall humanity finally be set free?
Do they really have no heart, no empathy?


So, what do you guys think? 🤗

If you like the poem, and don't mind, be sure to vote! There's no pressure. But I'd really appreciate it! If not, it's just as well, and thanks for reading this!😊

Also I'd like to include a dedication to everyone that's helped me:

anonymousalienn, lletifergold-platedLunarTemptress, EAgreste

Thanks! All of you!

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