Woah...she looks gorgeous... no wait, now's not the time to be thinking about that!

"Oh um, hello there, would you mind if I ask you where am I?"

The woman squinted her eyes and looked at Junko carefully before replying

"You don't need to be so nervous, One must learn to calm down and have patience, for the will of that Old ma- I mean God would surely answer all your questions."

Huh? what is she talking about?

"To answer your question on where we are, Hmmmm... I believe that you guys usually refer to this place as purgatory"  

"! Purgatory?"

"Yes, If you're here then that means that your life on your planet has sadly ended, and your soul was brought here in order to be judged on whether or not you go to heaven or hell"

"Unbelievable" was the word that Junko wanted to say but if she thought about it clearly, all the events that transpired up until now do seem to point the case...

"So I've died huh...I see, then I'm guessing that you're the one who's going to be judging me?"

"You're pretty calm considering your situation...but I guess that saves me trouble. Indeed, I'm one of the Celestial beings created by God and is assigned as a magistrate to take care of people's final judgments, My name is Dina, pleasure to meet you"

Dina says this as she puffs out her chest with pride. Junko was caught off by Dina's formal introduction and opted to do the same

"M-My name is Kawataba Junko, I hope you take care of me"

"No need to be so nervous, The standards of Heaven may have been strict once but It's now a bit lenient due to the overpopulation in hell, so as long as you didn't do anything extreme in your life then you're good"

"I-I see..."

 So even hell is having problems with that department? damn...   

"Now let's look at your life...Oh, you can wait over there while I'm at it, I have a few sweets lying about so help yourself, there's also a cup right there that is automatically filled with the drink that you desire"

Junko nodded and followed the instruction of Dina, she sat on the comfortable couch and ate some sweets


The sweets were perfectly made, It contained the right balance when It comes to its taste which satisfied Junko's Pallet, she thought about how better would the taste of the sweets be if she had coffee, And lo and behold. One of the cups in front of her was suddenly filled with it

How convenient...I wish we had these back on earth, would have saved me a lot of time and effort...

"Hrmm...a commendable attitude"

Dina's murmuring caught Junko's attention, Dina was sitting on her desk while quickly skimming a thick book that had her name in it

"Huh? Is that..."

"Hrm? Oh, this? This is a book that heaven created about you. From the moment you first came out to your mother to the last breath that you take, Heaven records every action and thought that you've had. and we read this in order to know more about you guys and judge you appropriately"

"Huh...but are you really reading them?"

At Junko's point of view, It looked as if Dina was merely quickly flipping the pages without giving it any thought at all

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