Chalter 26 - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"And how can you help us?" Danil asked with skeptic eyes.

"I see you two are new around here. Never seen you two with me own two eyes, I didn't." She began.

"I'm new."

"Well I'm not! I've spent all first eighteen years of my life in this city!" Ad'hm pounded his chest in pride.

"And I see you're not eighteen anymore, so you've been gone a long time." The woman smiled politely and placed a frail hand to cover it.

"He certainly doesn't look eighteen. Look at those bags!" Danil commented.

"I don't have bags!"

"Should try some honey ointment, will clean that right up." Her smile was unsettling, while she sounded like she meant good her jibes definitely hurt Ad'm.

"Honey ointment, add that to your list, Ad'hm." Danil laughed.

"Glad that we settled that, now, boys. Since you're not from here, or I mean have been gone a long period of time, you might not have heard of the attacks!" The woman began.

"Attacks?" Danil's brows rose.

"Right so, attacks. Elo'yn might seem nice and cheerful but when the sun sets, creatures of the night prowl and hunt for souls!" The woman exaggerated with comical gestures which neither Wielder could take seriously.

"Aha, creatures of the night, souls." Ad'hm rolled his eyes.

"Lady's right." Jamira brought the ale and placed it neatly from a full tray onto their table in a fluid motion.

"She is?" both said in unison.

"How rude! Of course I am!" The woman objected.

"There been attacks on people ever since last beginning of end cycle. Everyone said they saw the same exact monster. One of my most loyal patrons, Creators rest his soul, died in the first attack."

"Oh, Jarid." The woman said.

"Yes, Jarid. He was a good man, tipped well."

"A wife beater." The lady shook her head.

"No!" Jamira gasped in disbelief. "He used to talk to us so gently! Always that whoever bagged him was a lucky woman. When you think you know someone..."

"Indeed. Some people deserve to be taken. My good friend Patty, you know her, the baker's wife," Jamira nodded, shifting the weight of the tray on the other hand. "Well she said - "

Ad'hm cleared his throat. "How would you be able to help us against those creatures, m'am."

"Oh, thought you would never ask. Me name's Aliza, boys and I have a deal for you that you simply would not be able to refuse."

"A deal you say?" Ad'hm rolled his eyes and motioned to Danil with his finger that the lady was crazy.

"You see, the attacks became more frequent, nobody knows why! Only attacks us poor common folk with no power no nothing. Many people died, and they even nabbed me two pound bird!"

"A ChickHog?" Danil asked and the woman nodded energetically.

"The plumpest and juiciest you've ever seen. Right out me hand." The woman enacted the attack with wild gesticulations. "But fear not, boys," She took a look at Ad'hm. "Or rather grown men." she shahid under her breath. Danil couldn't help but snort a laugh. "I have this special ointment that will protect any unblessed from these vicious creatures, predators of the red sister!" The woman's eyes looked crazy, almost sparkling as she waved her hands in the air she whispered. "Souleaters.'

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