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The first time I got my period I thought something was horrible wrong with me. I ran to my mother, with my underwear in hand. She looked me in the eyes, and said this is just the beginning. Little did I know what those words meant. It wasn't till later did I understand the weight behind them. The embarrassment I felt the first time a boy seen a pad in my hand, his face crinkled up in discus. That was the day I learned to hide it from the world, as though not ever girl gets one ever month. They don't mind having our baby's, but they can't handle the thing we have to help. I'm tried of being ashamed of something my body does. I'm tried of when I'm angry then saying I must be in my period again. When I'm angry it doesn't mean I'm on it, how hard is it to just respect us? I am a woman and I get periods, and I'm not disgusting, I'm not always on it when I am angry, and yes it's painful.

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