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Bucky and Michaela sat in a comfortable silence, relishing in each other's company.

Steve soon joined them as people sang There's a Tavern in Town.

"See, I told you," Bucky said. "They're all idiots."

"How about you?" Steve asked. "You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death? Mick already gave her answer."

"Hell, no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight. I'm following him, and I'm guessing Mick said the same thing, in her spitfire way. But you're keeping the outfit, right?"

"You know what? It's kind of growing on me. Yeah, Mick said almost the exact same thing."

The singing in the bar stopped as Peggy, in a tight-fitting, deep-red dress, walked in. "Captain."

"Agent Carter."

"Ma'am," Bucky greeted.

"Agent," Michaela said.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try," Peggy told Steve. "Tomorrow morning?"

"Sounds good," Steve replied.

"I see your top squad is prepping for duty."

"You don't like music?" Bucky asked, earning a swat from Michaela. "Hey! Be nice. I'm a Sergeant."

"So?" Michaela shot back.

"I do, actually," Peggy answered, smirking at the interaction between Bucky and Michaela. "I might even, when all this is over, go dancing."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Bucky wondered.

"The right partner. 0800, Captain."

"Yes, ma'am," Steve said. "I'll be there."

Bucky, referring to the rejection he got from Peggy about going dancing with him, said, "I'm invisible. I'm... I'm turning into you. It's like some horrible dream."

"Don't take it so hard. I'm sure Mick would be happy to dance with you. We both know you're not invisible to her."

Michaela shoved Steve who added, "Your cheeks are red."

"I -- It's warm in here," she stammered.

Both men chuckled and Bucky turned to Michaela, silently offering his hand.

Michaela smiled and took his hand.

As they danced, Bucky asked, "How you been, Mick?"

"I've been all right," Michaela replied. "Buck, please, for the love of God, don't get captured again. That was the worst feeling in the world."

Bucky brushed her cheek. "I don't plan on letting that happen again, okay?"

"You can't promise that."

"What happened to the optimistic girl I knew?"

Michaela pursed her lips. "She's seen hell on earth and almost lost one of her best friends."

"Michaela Evans, listen to me. You don't have to worry about me leaving again. You, me and Steve, we're a team. Always have been, always will be."

"Stop promising the future! You don't know what it's going to hold!"

Bucky stepped back. "Mick, you're not gonna lose me like you lost your folks, okay?"

Michaela's face fell. "Can you stop promising an unknown future and just dance with me?"

A light smile tugged on the corner of Bucky's lips. "I think that can be arranged."

The two danced in silence, locking eyes, then turning away, both struggling to ignore the sparks they felt.

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