Chapter 36

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     Hunter, Liana and Chase stood in King Julius' study. It was a small room with bookshelves aligning the walls and one giant wooden desk the king sat behind. Liana, Chase and Hunter stood in front of him, staring at the man who's eyes drifted between them.

     "I called you here to learn if there is anyone else I must worry about," King Julius said. "And to learn more about why you sided with Kain at first and then switched sides."

     "No," Liana said. "Everyone who followed Kain has disbanded. Without Kain to lead them, they no longer seek to dethrone you."

     "We also stopped being on Kain's side a while back," Chase added. "When I was... kicked out for loving a man, I realized how cruel Kain was and Liana also realized the same. Hunter had been trying to convince us for a while, but we were stubborn and now we finally see that Kain should never be king."

     Chase shot Hunter a cheerless smile and Hunter bowed his head. Chase and Liana had spent the night before apologizing to Hunter feverishly, saying from the very start they should have listened to him. And Hunter had simply smiled, grateful that after everything they'd been through they still had each other.

     "I see," King Julius said, clasping his hands together on top of the desk. "Well, all three of you participated in the mission to dethrone me, so I can't let you go freely. For one year, you must do probational work. You will assist me in helping the town citizens, understood?"

     They all nodded. It was fair. After everything they'd done to the king, it seemed lenient.

     "But I will say one last thing before I dismiss you," the king said. "I am sorry for the suffering I may have caused you. I understand you have struggled financially and I will help you and your families from now on. That is currently what I am working on because I know that led to you wishing for my downfall."

     They all nodded and Liana teared up. That was all they ever wanted; help for the life they never wanted.

     "Okay, we will talk some more when I give you the work you must do," King Julius said. "You are dismissed now, but Hunter.... please stay back."

     Hunter tensed. Liana and Chase departed and the door shut behind them. Now, it was just Hunter and the king in the small room.

     The king's dark brown eyes were glued to Hunter's, absorbing him in. Hunter had never been alone with the king before. And he never thought he would be, so he shifted around, feeling uneasy.

     "I was never fond of you," King Julius said. Hunter's heart sank - he knew that, but it didn't hurt any less. "Because you were the poor boy that somehow won my stubborn daughter's heart. And when it turned out you were Kain's son and you were using my daughter, I despised you. You have no idea how much you hurt my daughter and thus, how much I wanted to hurt you."

     Hunter opened his mouth to apologize, but the king held up a hand to stop him.

     "But, you are the reason behind my daughter's change. After she met you, she was at her happiest. She started becoming gentle like she was when she was a child and... she became this person capable of love," he said. "She described you to me one day long ago. She said you are the epitome of kindness."

     Hunter's heart lurched forward, slamming against his chest as warmth blossomed through him. He couldn't believe it. He never knew Cassia thought of him like that.

     "There were times I feared you were like your father, especially seeing how heartbroken Cassia was," he said. "But, I've learnt that you are nothing like him. You are everything he is not."

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