10 - No swearing, my Prince

Start from the beginning

Helen and Toby were- Wait, what? Helen and Toby were FLIRTING?!?!

“You mean, Helen, the annoying cheerleader?’

“Yeah. Of course, they could have just been talking, but they do seem close these days. I mean um- Oh, god, this is bad, really bad. Look, I’m sorry, but Mom’s calling me, I’ll um, we’ll talk later, okay? Yeah, ooh, and please don’t tell any of the boys I said this.”

“Yeah, yeah. Sure.” I answered.


After putting Tessa back to the stable, I ran upstairs to change into a sundress, put on some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss.  After spending some time in the ‘secret garden’, I finally thought things over and decided that everything was okay and I’d talk to Toby about this Helen later. I grabbed a casual clutch and ran out to see Toby leaning on his car. He smiled when he saw me and I got in.

"So, you wanted to talk?" I asked after making myself comfortable.

"Er yeah." He answered, looking at his hands which were on the wheels even though we weren't driving, "let's go somewhere more um private." He said and with that he drove to an empty parking lot and cut the engine.

"So, what's up?" I asked, keeping my voice as normal as possible.

"So, how's things? How did the questioning go?"

"Alright. Toby," I paused before continuing, "you didn't come to ask me about the questioning, did you?"

"No, I didn't." He sighed. "I uh um. I wanted to talk about the magazines. The rumors about us. Wait, you do know about those rumors, don't you?"

I nodded.

"Right, um uh. So, what do you think?"

"Honestly? I don't care what others think or say, I'm the one dating you, not them. They can say what they want, but I won't let them affect me. This will only make us stronger, right?" I turned to Toby.

"Um, I'm glad you think that. But the thing is, Brianna, I don't. I care a lot. I care what others think. I care that people thinks I dated you for money, I care that I'm the next one to be framed. I care! Besides, we've been spending less and less time together, I can’t bring you to hang out with my friends because of the paps. We hardly see each other anymore!  I... I can't do this anymore!" He said, he slammed his hand down to emphasize his point and accidentally hitting the horn. The sound of the horn echoed through the empty street as I stared out the window, shell-shocked, not knowing what to say at all.

Silence. I opened my mouth to say something, but no words were formed. 

"I... I never knew you felt that way. I thought ... I thought... So, what now?" I asked, when I finally found my voice.

"L... Let's just break up, I'm sorry."

"So, that's it. It's over, just like that?" I said, shouting the last part.


"Oh, don't you Anna me, you little- So, that's what this relationship meant to you? A little nothing?"

"I never said. Look, it was fun while it lasted, but I just can’t do this anymore. I want a normal life, I-"

"Oh, cut the crap. It was fun while it lasted? Guess you're a player too, huh?" No one gets a normal life. You just want to screw the moron, Helen.”

“Wait, what? What does Helen have to do with this? Besides, she’s not a moron.”

“Newsflash, Toby, I may not be at school, but I’ve still got friends and I know you and Helen are spending a lot of time together!”

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