58.| All's Well That Ends Well

Start from the beginning

"Yep, we should probably get to class," Josie says completely going along.

Just as the two were about to walk away Josie stops in her place when her eyes land on someone. Some random kid bumped into Josie causing her books to collapse on the floor. That's when a girl comes running along and helps.

Lucas's brows furrow. "I've got it, Wednesday Adams. You can back up," he says as he takes the books from her hand.

The girl stands to her feet, but her attention is on the other girl besides Lucas.

"Thanks," Josie awkwardly says.

The girl smiles. "So, you're back."

Josie nods. "Uh- yeah. All that drama at my old school is completely done. I-i'm just focusing on the now and making myself completely opened— and making myself available to whatever."

"Does that whatever include staying on campus for lunch?"

"I'll be there—here—for lunch." Josie smiles.

"Maybe I'll see you then."

The girl walks away leaving behind a confused Lucas and a flustered Josie.

"Oh no, this is interesting— a love uh— square? Cube?" Lizzie questions.

Lucas ignores her comment. "Jo— uh, who was that?"

"Her name is Finch." Josie answers. "We are—were dating. I think I'm not sure."

Before Lucas could say a word his phone rings, he looks down at the caller ID and see's Alaric's name.

"Ric, I'm kind of busy right now." Lucas sighs.

"I need you here at the school. Now." Alaric says right before hanging up.

Lucas lets out a groan. "Great. Great. Great."

"What happened?"

"I've got to go," Lucas says, he hesitantly kisses Josie on the forehead before walking away.

Just as the Nephilim was running out of the school he heard a low scream. The man drops to his feet and holds onto his ears. The screams were eventually silenced and he glances around his surroundings before making his wag towards the school.

"What is she?" Landon questions.

"Besides some creepy chick putting a damp around my positivity, I have no clue." Hope sighs.

The loud screams were heard again and this time Lucas was pushing past the pain.

"She's a banshee," Lucas announces, as he walks into the gym.

All eyes were on him, everyone seemed shocked. But the Banshee only smirked in Lucas's direction.

Lucas's eyes locked with Hope's soft ones. Lucas was quick to look away. "Ric, can I talk to you... and uh privately."

Alaric nods and follows Lucas out of the gym. "What's wrong? You've got that same look you had on your face when your parents arrived."

"Yeah— I'd like to know too." Hope softly says.

"Well Banshee's are harbingers," Lucas explains, he keeps his eyes on Hope. "But my father once told me that wherever they appear— death is to follow. And my guess is she may say something to us that none of us want to hear."

"You think one of us is gonna die?" Ric questions.

"Well with our luck with monsters, it wouldn't come as a surprise." Lucas nods. "How did it even get here? since when was another portal opened?"

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