𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 19➴

Start from the beginning

You leaned down and kissed him.

Keigo pulled away. "Try use tongue this time." He said in a low tone. You nodded, and went back in for another kiss. You slipped your tongue inside of his mouth, and started swirling it with his.

You let out quiet moans as his hands traveled across your body. Keigo pulled away, and looked you in the eyes. 

There was a string of saliva attatched to both of your mouths. His eyes were a glistening gold, and you could sense the lust coming from him. 

A grin formed on your face, and you sat up. You got off of his lap, which made him sit up. He saw you kneeling on the floor, tying your hair up. 

"W- Hold up!" He waved his arms around.

"Is there a problem?" You smirked as you pulled down his sweatpants. "R-Right now, Y/N?" Keigo's voice wavered.

"Do you not want to?" You tilted your head to the side. 

"It's not that, I'm just worried about you." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't have any condoms downstairs, they're all in my room." 

"We did it last night without any protection though." You scratched the side of your head.

"Yeah, that's why I'm worried. I don't mind not using protection, but you've only just become a hero, and are too young to have a child right now. Plus we aren't even dating, we're just fucking. I don't want to get you pregnant, that'd be bad." He replied.

"Oh. Okay then." You stood up, and walked away from him. You felt a twinge of pain in your chest.

"Wha- Y/N! Come on!" He called out to you. You ignored him, and just walked into your room. You jumped on your bed, your face buried in your pillow.

"Just fucking? He was telling the truth, but why does it hurt so much to hear him say it?" You whispered to yourself.

You curled into a ball. Then heard a knock at your door. "Y/N? I'm coming in." Keigo said from the other side.

"Piss off!" You shouted back, grabbing one of your stuffed animals and throwing it at the door.

Keigo opened the door slightly, and stood there. He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "I said piss off." You stuck up your middle finger.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He frowned, and walked over to you.

"Nothing. Piss off." You grabbed another stuffed animal and threw it at him.

"Come on, Y/N. I just want to k-"

You cut him off. "For fucks sake! Did you not hear me? I said nothing happened. We're just fucking, right? Why do you even care!? Leave me alone!" You shouted, getting up and storming out of the room.

"Y/N! Fuck, come back!" Keigo yelled, following you. You stomped down the stairs and to the front door, slipping some shoes on.

"I'm going out." You hissed, then walked out. "Y/-"

You could only hear Keigo say half of your name before you slammed the door in his face.

You had no idea where you were going to go, but you still went anyway. You had left your phone in your room, so you couldn't text or call anyone even if you wanted to.

You just walked. It didn't matter where you went, who you saw, what happened, you just didn't want to be near him at that moment.

For some reason, you couldn't stop feeling your heart ache, but not in a sweet, happy way, like it used to. It hurt. Like someone had just ran a knife through it.

It felt like Keigo just opened up your chest, took your heart out, and played football with it, then stabbed it a million times.

You just couldn't stop feeling hurt by what he said.

You found and alleyway, and decided to sit in it.

It was empty, not easy for other people to see, and Keigo wouldn't be able to find you there.

You slammed your fist into the wall, feeling pain run through it as you did. You didn't care though.

Continuously, you hit the wall. Your skin was chipping, and blood was starting to drip out, but you couldn't care.

You didn't give a fuck about anything. All you wanted at that moment was for Keigo to apologise, and hug you. It wasn't like you wanted him to confess his love or anything, but him telling you that the two of you were just 'fucking' hurt.

"Fuck!" You shouted, as you banged your fist into the wall for a final time.

"Um... excuse me?" A female voice called out from the other side.

Suddenly, you remembered what Keigo had told you before.

"I can't tell you why, but you're in danger. Listen to me."

"They have said that they're going to kill someone."

"Y/N, it's you."

"Whose there!?" You shouted, jumping into a defensive stance.

"W- Ah, um, please, don't be scared! I'm just a high school student. I heard you shout, so I wanted to check if you're okay!" She lifted her hands and waved them in the air.

You nodded your head. She walked closer to you.

Her hair was black, and it was a mid-back length. Her crimson eyes sparkled, making them very clear for you to see. She wore a dark blue cardigan on, with a white blouse and a checkered blue skirt, along with thigh high scocks.

"I'm Y/N, what's your name?" You asked politely.

A grin formed on her face, and she chewed on her finger.

A chill ran down your spine, since you had never seen such a manic smile before. You didn't think anything of it though.

"Well, you can just call me Asylum. That's what all my friends call me." She let out a small giggle, which made a nauseous feeling wash over you.

"Asylum? That's a kind of weird nickname. Why do they call you that?" You tilted your head to the side.

"Because of my quirk! It's so fun! They all just laugh, cry, or see fake people! Like ghosts or something! They get so silly. They act like they're in an asylum, so that's why they call me that!" She laughed loudly. You began feeling uneasy.

"Your name sounds kind of familiar..." Your words started slurring, and you began to feel dizzy.

Then a memory flashed in your mind.

"Hey, Asylum. I'm kind of busy right now, what's up?"

-"Hawks baby! Redd and I are chilling at the base, wanna come?"

"No fucking way..." You mumbled. Asylum laughed even louder. "Oh, you'll be having so much fun! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" She cackled.

"You psychotic bitch..." You grunted, seeing black figures start to surround you, loads laughing and pointing at you.

"They aren't real." You repeated, curling into a ball.

"Black Widow! She's all yours baby." Asylum twirled around, wiping tears from her eyes from laughing.

"Finally." Black Widow said in a monotone voice.

They walked into the alleyway, their boots making echoing sounds of 'click clack'. They shot a spider web out of their hand, wrapping you into a full-body caccoon.

"Fuck sake..." You muttered, then, everything began fading to black.

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