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It's a bad dream. It's all one fucked up dream. I fell asleep after I hit my alarm this morning. That has to be it.

Zix walks over with slow thundering footsteps and puts both hands over Dre's path of view.

Zix groaned.
"This would have been a lot quieter if the offspring had not disturbed you"

Have I been abducted or something? Are these aliens? I wish I could shit my pants right now.

Zix walks over to a small canister next to the tube with the floating body and placed a small white orb inside. The small orb kept screaming questions as he made his way over to the center of the room and reached upward.
A holographic keyboard appeared in front of him almost instantly as he waved his hand and he began typing a very simple 3 code sequence.

"Reanimation commencing" a computer like voice echoed in the room. In a few seconds another announcement.

Reanimation complete

The suspended body slowly floated to the bottom of the tube as the gel like liquid began to disappear and Dre opened his eyes.

(A few rooms away 10 year old twins Kael and Aeryn were up to their usual mischief)

"Did you get it?" asked Kael
"Does it look like I have it?" Aeryn snapped back.
"Well how are we supposed to get in if you didn't get the pass? I should've done it myself" he hissed.
"DID NOT. SHOULD HAVE." She corrected.

Kael huffed. He hates it when his sister corrects him. It's still English anyway, he likes the way people used to speak in the old movies. Aside from that, they've been trying to get into the weaponry room for days and he finally figured out the bypass code. He just needed the access pass to beat the system.

"Why did you want to get in there again? Last I remembered, Zix had explained to us that we are not able to operate class three weapons until we achieve physical maturity requirements." Aeryn stressed "If I'm not mistaken, we still have at least another year"
"It's not for the weapons chromehead. I want to fly." Kael grinned

He only saw it once, but the magnetic propulsion suit (MPS) has been on his mind ever since he saw Zix bring it in and test it on the first day of the lunar cycle. Kael admires all kinds of weapons and technology but nobody in the city had an MPS and he wants to be one of the first to show off as he usually does.

"I'll get to it myself. You're way more useless than you think you are" He said as he started out of the room.
Aeryn didn't even blink in the face of her brother's insults. He only insults her when she's made a good point and he doesn't like to feel like the dumb twin.

"Good luck" She whispered.

Dre's entire body feels like he just did a 20 mile swim marathon. He could barely even move his fingers, let alone his legs. As soon as his feet hit the bottom of the canister, Zix popped the top open and yanked him through. He couldn't tell if it was his muscles aching or the rough handle of his new babysitter but he was in excruciating pain.

What was that thing I was in? Did he upload my soul to my body or something? My brain? My head feels weird.

I know right?

What the- was that me?

Who else would it be? It's Your brain genius.

Man. I'm really losing it.

"Your body will require another 2 hours of recovery time, but this will ease the pain" Zix said as he laid Dre out over seemingly nothing.

Dre tried to speak but even his throat wouldn't work. He let out a small groan and looked towards Zix.

Zix noticed his concern and chuckled. "Yes. You can levitate." He walked away leaving Dre floating in the middle of the room. "With our help of course." He left the room.

6th WorldМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя