"You say that as if it's an easy thing to do." He scoffed at his student. Yuna shrugged, "Indeed it's hard, but it's an open option just in case I get tired of people questioning why you always bully me with endless reports when in general you just want status-reports about your children." She snickered. The man huffed at her, "You wouldn't understand my struggles, Hatogai." He stated.

Yuna paused, slowly setting down her chopsticks on her empty bento. "You're right, I won't understand your struggles Hebihara-sensei... But I understand Hayato's." she said as she faced her chemistry teacher.

"I know what it's like to have divorced parents and to be neglected by one, the only difference is that you just don't want to face your sons while my mother hated me with her whole being." She stated seriously before sighing.

"Hayato doesn't show it because he has to be Taka's strong big brother, but he would like you to at least communicate with them as their father. He has the same look I had when I wanted my mother to love me." She said softly looking down on her lap, "It's hard, I understand that, but know that it's hard for Hayato, Taka, and Kamitani-sensei too." She said.

No one's happy in a broken family, she knew that well.

Her small speech left Hebihara speechless. He knew she made sense and had a point; he couldn't just be an absent parent in their lives, it's irresponsible.

Yuna saw that she went overboard this time and slightly bowed, "I apologize for going past boundaries, but I also wish you keep those words in mind. Taka would love having a father, and that would be enough for Hayato." She said in a hushed tone.

She started packing her empty bento, not liking the solemnity of the atmosphere. "You don't have to rush things, take it at your own pace. That dear friend of mine can still handle things along with his headstrong mother." She chuckled out softly. Hebihara lets out a smile before erasing it, "Yeah, I will. Thank you for your input, it's nice to know things from a different perspective." He stated.

Yuna snorted at his simple response, it wasn't much but it was a start. "Hayato has it rougher than me though, he has to be strong for his brother. He's a wonderful person..." she then smiled sincerely.

Hebihara raised his brow at that, "I don't think anyone's resolve can be stronger than yours." He said to her, he knew her history as well since she had reported her time when the Kamitani's were helping her. "Don't underestimate Hayato, he is your son." She snickered at that as she stood up.

"If you keep going in this direction, you might end up marrying my son." He stated bluntly as she laughed, walking to the door. "Sure thing, but I don't know if you want to be my Father-in-law." She teased, sticking out her tongue at him, before exiting the door.

Hebihara shook his head at her, his son definitely is lucky to have someone like her in his life, if he doesn't marry her, it'd be a waste.


Yuna walked down the halls and saw someone familiar carrying a wrapped bento. "Kotarou? What are you doing here?" she asked, crouching down to his level. "Kota bringing lunch to Nii-cha!" he answered, determined.

Yuna smiled, "On an errand, I see. I'm also headed to Class C to see Hayato, want to go together?" she asked gently. Kotarou nodded his head as she stood up and walked next to the boy, who carried the bento as if his life depended on it.

They arrive by the Class C classroom's door, Yuna peeking in. "Kashima~ you have a visitor!" she called as Kashima turned to the girl before seeing her gesture to the toddler by her side. "Kotarou!" he then exclaimed, seeing his younger brother. "The little guy went on an errand alone." Yuna said as Kotarou lifted the bento in his hands, "Nii-chan, Lunch!" he said.

As Kashima accepted the lunch, Yuna walked to Hayato's side. "Why are you here though Yuna?" Hayato asked her, who gasped his way. "You dare ask me after you switched lunches with me and get to eat comfortably in the classroom while I have to eat and do reports in front of Hebihara-sensei because I slept in class." She pouted his way.

"Stop sleeping in his classes then." He bluntly told her, but he was mentally scolding his old man for messing with his best friend. "I'll try. Also, I'm here for my bento." Yuna then chirped.

Hayato shrugged and they return each other's lunchboxes. "The tamagoyaki was good." He complimented and she snorted, "Of course you say that." she smiled anyway.

The rest of class watched them, gaping at the casual close intimacy between their friendship. Can they still call it friendship if you can switch lunches? Maybe? Who knows, it's these two. They all still suspect that they're secretly dating or mutually pining for each other.

They then turn to Kashima, who accepted the lunchbox and went out to eat with his little brother. The class cried at the brave move, considering the fact that Kashima ate so many snacks, but couldn't say no to his brother's efforts.

"Ah, you had to do the chemistry report too, right? How was it?"
"Oh, I gave up."
"You're hopeless Hayato, let me see, I'll help you out."

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