Chapter 17 Endgame

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Hello my dear readers, Naintarlow checking in

It has been a long time coming but the blackmail/youkai hitman arc is finally at its end. Next chapter will be the after effects and a little slice of life of the newspaper club and a larger side story segment to compensate for the lack of it this time around.

I can admit freely this whole part of the story got away from me a little, spanning multiple though shorter chapters but I enjoyed it nonetheless writing it and hope you enjoy it as well.

"Get up!" a harsh but familiar voice echoed in her mind as she slowly came to consciousness, her whole body protesting her weak attempts at moving."Get up or you will die. You friends will die,your precious Tsuna will die. Get up and do something about it" the voice roared once again.

Akashiya Moka's eyes snapped open, panic evident in them as she tried to sit up, only to hiss in pain and fall back to whatever she was leaning against. Confusion was forefront in her clouded mind as she observed her surrounding ls, having no idea why she was sitting outside or what hit her with the force of a roadrunner.

Then as she noticed a red-skinned guy standing in the middle of the clearing, memories rushed into her head. She remembered coming to the newspaper club, finding their work stolen, Kurumu leaving the club then the discovery that she was blackmailed. They ran to her aid, only for a new enemy to rear their head and with relative ease take out Lambo,

"Lambo! Kurumu!" as her mind finally pieced together the events leading here, her only concern was for her friends. She tried to force herself to stand, wanting to find her friends when a head of cyan caught her eye, laying next to her.

She also spotted Tsukune who looked beaten up and a little shaken Yukari next to the unconscious Succubus. She didn't understand what happened since she blacked out but she was immensely relieved to see her friends alright for the most part.

"Don't worry babe. They are a little roughed up but nothing a little rest won't fix."a familiar voice addressed her, causing her to whip her head around and widen her eyes at the speaker.

Shikaku stood in the middle of the clearing, doing a stand-off with Gin of all people. She could only see his back, but Moka had a feeling that her club president was really ticked off for once.

Lambo stood not far from there, clearly limping but once again surrounded by that green lightning of his. What was surprising was the small lion perched on his head, growling angrily at the still confident looking oni. When did Natsu get here? Did that mean Tsuna was here too?

On the other side of her club president stood a large, intimidating looking guy in karate gi, grinning in anticipation for the coming battle. He didn't look familiar to her at all but the description she had of him and that battlelust pouring out of him made her guess that he was the senpai Tsuna visited from time to time in the karate club, training in hand to hand combat and to 'take the edge off' though she had no idea what he meant by that.

"His name is Haiji, pay attention." she heard her inner self scold her, sounding irritated at having to explain things to her or just her being generally irritated, she wasn't sure when it came to Ura-chan.

She was a little surprised that she decided to speak up, before coming to the school, the two barely even acknowledged each other, not even the occasional talk. Nowadays her sealed self became surprisingly chatty.

"I'm not chatty." Ura apparently heard her thoughts and she could just imagine on her, well their face."Now if you are done thinking about nonsense, pay attention to the fight. You may not be able to fight but you have to be ready if anything happens." she ordered and she felt her retreat behind the seal. Still watching but no longer privy to her thoughts.

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