Chapter 2 Succubus hiding in the mist

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'The other day I definitely felt dying will flames or something close to it. What does it mean, I wonder?'

Sawada Tsuna was deep in thought as he jogged around the creepy forest next to the academy. It was already a week into the school year and thankfully there were no supernatural incidents aside from that one with Saizo. It seemed that while students heard about the brute's loss, there were so many versions of it around, no one had a clear picture of what happened. Tsuna was completely fine with that.

Other than a few instances of students and Nekonome-sensei failing to stay in their human form, everything was perfectly normal. The classes were the same as back in Namimori. And while Tsukune still freaked out at random things, Tsuna became completely used to it. (Deep inside in a dark corner of his mind Tsuna wept.)

Without a conscious decision, he began to jog every morning to stay in shape. Tsuna also planned to work out in the afternoon, but decided to properly acclimatize to this school for monsters first.

"Help. I feel so weak" a voice cried out, bringing Tsuna back to reality.

In front of him, at the side of the road was a female student bracing herself next to a tree, trying to stand up. She had shoulder-length cyan colored hair and Tsuna recalled seeing her in his class, but was unable to recall a name. His inherently good nature took control before he could stop himself to assess the situation and went closer to the girl.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Tsuna asked as he stopped next to her, offering a hand to help her stand.

"Thank you, my chest began to hurt suddenly," she exclaimed turning towards him.

Ignoring his hand, she practically leaped at Tsuna, putting all of her weight on the unsuspecting boy. He took a step back, trying not to topple backward as he looked questioningly at her. She simply stared deeply into his eyes, as he looked at the purple irises a strange feeling began to overcame and -

With a harsh cry, the girl collided with a tree, landing in a heap. She looked up accusingly, but words were stuck in her mouth. Standing before her Tsuna stared at her with harsh eyes, body tensing as he prepared to fight. He took a few more steps back, wanting to get as much distance as he safely could in case she tried anything.

"I don't take kindly to illusions," he growled.

He may be near powerless without his dying will, but that doesn't mean he was helpless. He used Moka in the past week to learn more about various monsters. From what the girl told him most monsters tend to specialize in one field. It meant that against an illusionist there wasn't a large chance of physical attacks. Thanks to his Vongola Hyper Intuition he could hold his own against the girl if it comes to it. Hopefully.

The girl only let out a shocked gasp as she stared down the plain-looking boy who suddenly looked fierce and dangerous. After a few seconds while she made no other move Tsuna slightly relaxed his body.

"Play your tricks at someone else," he said at last and began to leave. All the while he still kept an eye on the girl, who gave no visible reaction.

Tsuna let out a suffering sigh as he exited the forest. So much for a peaceful day.


Tsuna went back to the dorms to shower and change. After he was ready he went down to meet Moka and Tsukune, the three of them usually walked together to class.

Though from the looks of it, today would be different. The former mafia boss just reached the duo in time to see Tsukune march away angrily. Which, thinking about it, he seemed to do a lot.

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