Chapter 13 On the verge of conflict

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Hello my dear readers, Nain Tarlow here, checking in.

Cover: The entire newspaper club is shown in military uniform, clearly preparing for a fight. Lambo excitedly waves around a rocket launcher, while Tsukune desperately tries to stop him. Yukari is at a table in the background, examining various explosives. Gin sat next to her, sleeping, his head on his machine gun. Tsuna is busy cleaning two handguns that look very similar to Xanxus' while Omote and Ura seem to argue at a table covered in various papers and a large map.

"Here are the items you requested. It was quite a lot of work to make it in such a small time frame but we made quite good work if I say so myself." a tall student with white hair than seemed to spike into the air and ended in green smirked at Tsuna as he handed him a small bag. He had red eyes and wore a white coat, he looked quite sinister."Though part of me had to wonder what do you need these specific items for on such short notice."

Tsuna could only smirk back as subtly changed his posture. It wasn't exactly threatening but he told him without words not to look into it too much.

"I get it, I get it. I better off not asking." the man who was the president of the chemistry club held up his hands in surrender, his smirk never leaving its place. "But don't forget to hold up your end of the bargain. Or you won't like the consequences ten billion percent.".

"Don't worry. The ad for your club will be in the coming edition of the newspaper as we agreed. I'm a man of my word." Tsuna promised as he bid the scientist farewell.

Looking at his watch he frowned as he saw that only ten minutes were left of lunch break. Quickly he began to speed up, he had a few more preparations to make before classes restarted.

While the situation was far from ideal, he wasn't without weapons of his own. These monsters wanted to keep him in a corner, threatening his friends, so he wouldn't step out of the line. His odds weren't the best, he knew next to nothing about his opponents and couldn't really predict their movements but the sane was true for them, any information they would have from the mafia would be outdated and next to useless.

He was prepared, as ready as he could be, yet Tsuna still let a frown appear on his face as he slowed down, lost in thought. He felt uncertain, not in the plan itself but the method he chose to execute it.

It wasn't right, leaving his friends in the dark and subtly manipulate them to take the steps required for his plan to work. It wasn't fair, not to Tsukune, who he had an obligation since he chose to take him under his tutelage, not to Moka and Yukari, and certainly not to Kurumu. They wouldn't have been in this whole debacle if he acted when he saw the first warning signs. But he was so full of himself, intent on keeping a distance between then, that he did nothing.

He should have acted as a true friend, he should have seen as friends, not underlings to be manipulated and ordered so he could reap the benefits. But that was what he did, that was what he planned to do once again.

His trust was already on shaky grounds with them, yet not even for a minute, did he consider simply being honest and asking for help. It was not how he did things, not how a mafia boss did things.

Tsuna abruptly stopped as the disappointed, sad gaze of a certain green-eyed vampire flashed in his mind, quickly followed a more hostile-looking red pair. It hurt, the thought that she, that they were going to be further disillusioned with him but he still chose to follow this path.

It was times like these that he missed the unwavering, soothing presence of his guardians. It was easier to tell right from wrong with them since most of the time whatever they wanted was wrong and everything else right. The unspoken trust between them, the camaraderie kept him on the right track.

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