Chapter 16 Backed into a corner

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Hello my dear readers, NainTarlow checking in

I'm extremely sorry for the late chapter but it's finally done and we are almost at the end of the Blackmail/youkai hitmen arc. I'm sorry anyone who feels like this part dragged on a bit too long. It started out as me trying out different, little complicated things and it grew into such a large story. I could easily hurry it along and finish it with even half a usual chapter but I want to give the characters and the story the attention and detail I think it deserves after putting so much work into it.

So for those who had enough of it, hang in there, only one chapter left before I move on to Mizue's introduction and then another large arc, the fight against the PSC guys. As for those who enjoyed this twist and the resulting conflict, I'm really thankful for your support.

I'm also continuing the side story, though its size is relatively small compared to the main chapter but it's mostly for setting things up for later and to show what happens to gokudera and best girl Chrome.

Let's get on with the chapter.

"Just who is this guy?" Tsukune asked in disbelief, as Shikaku observed them with a bored look.

It was as if they were nothing, not even a challenge to him. And from the shivers he got just from looking at him, the young teen was not so hopeful on their chances.

"Wait, Shikaku! I can still make it right, just give a chance, one chance. I can prove that I am useful." Nagare pleaded with a terrified tone but in response the teen only grounded his shoe deeper into the slug.

"Please, you outlived your usefulness a long time ago. Just lie there like the weakling you are. I'm merciful enough that I will kill you last. Don't expect anything more." he said to him as if he was talking about the weather. GIving a last kick to the downed slug, he turned to the newspaper group who watched in shocked silence."Now where was I? Ah my grand entrance."

"Just who do you think you are?" Yukari, looking as scared and unnerved by the new arrival as the others, was the one who asked, taking a step back in instinct when Shikaku turned his attention to her.

In response grinned at them, enjoying the unease practically radiated by them.

The worst off was seemingly Tsukune, who still felt fatigued by the use of dying will, barely able to stop himself from trembling. This guy, he was different from anyone else they faced before. Not just the sheer aura of danger radiating from him, after all he wouldn't be the first person intending to harm or even kill them. It was the anticipation, the killing intent washing over them, threatening to drown them in it.

It was different from when they first faced Gin in his monster form. The man radiated a subtler sense of danger, a refined bloodlust, Tsuna called it, when he questioned him later. Shikaku showed no such restraint, letting all of it out as he grinned at them in sadistic anticipation. He wanted to hurt them, to kill them and had no intention of holding back.

His hand trembled terribly as he grabbed his container of dying will, Tsuna's warning ranging in his ears. Despite that, he knew as a human he was too fragile to have any chance of actually standing up to him, he needed the power of dying will. Without that, he will definitely...

He was shaken out of his thoughts by someone tugging on his arm. Looking down, he saw it was Lambo, even though the younger kid didn't look at him, his eyes never leaving Shikaku.

"Don't worry Tsukune. This time, I will protect you guys." he softly promised before he reached into his pockets and pulled out two familiar looking horns that he placed on his head.

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