Soft Sounds & Life Bargains

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Can you hear the morning, birds singing songs of honesty
"Wake up humans, why you dwell upon future and make your heart heavy?"
Heart is where it belongs, in a box hidden deep in time
Your head is talking crazy in fulfilling life bargains and searching soft sounds

Oh, how can you have both thoughts on your mind at once?,
Loving plants and trading guns for guns
Look away, far into the distant land,
Can you see life?, a line of very thin chance

The deepest faith doesn't lie in sonic gateaways,
It is right around you, in daily stories that we play
Watch if you can flip the script, with colors of black & greys
Oh, humans don't dwell upon future, for that will make your heart dark and pale

Fly like me, into the wildest fantasies,
the land of unseen dreams
We, birds do make harsh sounds,
but only at places that no one can hear
So, be as calm as your thoughts could be,
Don't dwell upon future, for it will leave your heart squeezed,

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