Esdeath: what is that music? where is it coming from?

Esdeath got up from her throne and made her way onto the balcony overlooking her Empire of ice and snow she looked out at the Horizon where the source of the music was coming from she saw a small black silhouette And she saw a strange glow emanating from the Black silhouette she felt incredible power building to insane levels eventually she heard a multitude of bangs she looked out and she noticed something rocketing towards her Warriors of ice she immediately realize what it was it was some sort of attack she jumped back away from the balcony and then she felt the massive explosion the explosion sounded so loud that it was nearly deafening there was a flash of blinding light and her ice Fortress started shaking violently she looked out of her balcony again as soon as the dust cleared she saw what remained of her Army all that remained was a good at 25% hundreds of ice Warriors remained the other 75% were completely vaporized.

Esdeath: that power that ungodly power what could have done that?!?!?!?

She then noticed what looked like a falling purple star it landed in the center of her remaining ice Warriors smashing a good portion of them she then saw the silhouette from before but you can make out more details she saw that it was wearing all black it was a male and it was the same playing the music.

Esdeath: how interesting I've never seen someone with such ungodly power let's see if he can meet my other requirements~

Esdeath immediately went back to her throne and sat down in her throne and she waited for this strange individual to invade her Fortress.

3rd person POV.
Location: the ice Fortress the South Pole

Y/n L/n finally arrived at the ice Fortress he raised his left hand and without a hint of hesitation he blasted the doors to the ice Fortress off their hinges he then entered the ice Fortress she had long blue hair she was wearing a white and black General's outfit she had Icy Blue Eyes she had a sword in a sheath attached to her belt and she had pale skin to say that she was beautiful is an understatement she was drop-dead gorgeous.

Y/n L/n finally arrived at the ice Fortress he raised his left hand and without a hint of hesitation he blasted the doors to the ice Fortress off their hinges he then entered the ice Fortress she had long blue hair she was wearing a white and blac...

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Y/n: so you must be Esdeath?

Esdeath: I am and who might you be?

Y/n: my name is Y/n L/n I'm from The New Age Academy I am here to bring you back to the new age Academy for trial and Punishment.

Esdeath: and what is it that I have done that deserves punishment?

Y/n: multiple counts of Murder in the first and second degree you have terrorized innocent people and you were planning on launching a full-scale Invasion on the world.

Esdeath: don't you know the truth of the world if they are a week they deserve to die my masters taught me everything they knew and they had become weak so I proved my superiority and killed them.

Y/n: you are wrong it is the duty of the strong to protect the weak!!!

Esdeath: you are powerful I will admit but compared to me you are inferior and for attacking me I sentence you to death!

Misunderstood Darkness (Male Darkness Reader X Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now