Chapter 13: The Even Bigger News

Start from the beginning

Sev jumped out of bed and came running over to me, his hair still a mess from sleep. He looked where I was looking, and wrapped his arms around me, lightly resting his hands on my bump.

He kissed me on the lips softly and said, "Why do you look so worried, Isa? You knew you would get a baby bump soon."

I shook my head at him and said, "Sev, I'm not supposed to get one for a while yet. I don't understand why I have one now."

He thought for a minute and then said, "Alright, I'm going to get dressed, and after breakfast, we can head to St. Mungos and see what they think. They said everything looked fine two weeks ago, but I think it would be best to check."

I nodded at him, he was right, they did say everything was going fine two weeks ago. That didn't get rid of the feeling of worry though. What if something was wrong?

I told Draco, Hermione, and Ginny about this at breakfast, and they agreed, I was better off making sure just in case.

This topic completely disappeared from my mind, however, when I looked at the professors' table. Minerva was looking at the ceiling with a sad, worried, and scared look in her eyes.

Sev had noticed as well and was trying to engage her in conversation, but the minute she looked at him, she burst into tears.

Sev noticed everyone in the Great Hall starting to stare at her, and stood up to walk her out for a bit more privacy. Minerva sobbed into his shoulder and he rubbed her back, glancing at me right before he walked out the door.

I heard people starting to talk about what they saw, and thinking of why she was crying, and after glaring at them all, I quickly left to follow them out.

Severus' POV

It broke my heart to see Minerva like this. She was always so strong, and I hated seeing her break down like this. I led her into my chambers, and sat her down on the couch, before sitting down beside her, rubbing her back.

Eventually, her sobs slowed down, and I handed her a tissue. Isa walked in and sat across from us, but one look at her and Minerva started sobbing again.

"Shhh, Minerva, it's okay, can you please tell us what's got you this upset?" I asked her.

Her sobs quieted a bit, and she said, "I'm really sorry, it's just-, I just found out-, I'm-, I'm pregnant." Then she burst into tears again.

Isa and I both looked at each other in confusion. We didn't say anything though, and just let her cry herself out.

When her cries finally turned into small sniffles, I turned to her and asked, "Forgive me for asking you this Minerva, but how did this even happen? You never mentioned that you were seeing anyone."

"No, no, it's alright Severus. You're right, I'm not seeing anyone. A few weeks ago, I was feeling really upset and just plain sad from the war and all, so I went to a pub to have a few drinks. I guess I had one too many because the next thing I remember is waking up in the pub's bathroom with all of my clothes off. No one was there, and the pub was closed, but I can assume what happened."

We sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking about what she said. Eventually, Isa spoke up.

"Minerva, I get that this is very unexpected to you and everything, but why on earth are you this upset over this? Don't you want a child?"

"Of course I want a child, Melissa. I always have. But I'm 61, and I'm worried I might not survive the pregnancy at my age. Even if I do, how am I supposed to care for the child on my own? I just don't know what to do anymore." She answered, her eyes starting to tear up again by the end.

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