Chapter 4: Holly Goldie

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April 1965, Near Bearwind Forest

Charlotte rushed to the scene, full or police cars and paramedics.

What was going on? Charlotte asked herself in her mind.

One of the police officers walked up to her. "Do you know this girl, ma'am?"

"No, I just want to know what's happening," Charlotte assured them.

"Something happened, but we don't know. We have to get her to the hospital and examine her."

She seemed concern. When she got a better look, she saw a little girl. She had long black hair that were put in braids and glasses. She also had a lightning-shaped scar slashed between her right eye. She wore a purple robe with a leather belt and black tapshoes.

The girl appeared to be 8-years old. She looked dull and pale. She was carried in a hospital bed and put in the back of the ambulance.

"Hey, lady. You mind helping us getting this girl to the hospital?" one of the paramedics asked Charlotte.

"Sure," Charlotte replied, as she went in the back of the ambulance and helping the rest of the paramedics.

It was silent during the ride to the hospital. But they managed to rush and get the little girl to the nearest room.

They motioned Charlotte to wait outside. As she waited outside, she thought of two things: why they asked her to help and why the little girl was just found there in the forest.

April 1965, Bearwind Forest

Back in Bearwind Forest, the police were arguing over if this was an accidental, an animal attack or if the girl was beaten by someone.

"This might be accidental. Like maybe an accidental animal attack or something like that?"

"No! Animal attacks aren't accidental. It was on purpose. A wild and ferocious animal might have stealth attacked her from behind."

"Yeah, that might be it. Animals are like predators hunting for their prey. Maybe closing Bearwind Forest is a great idea."

"But we also have to investigate the matter. That doesn't mean jumping to conclusions. We should at least investigate, look for clues and evidence and draw the line."

"Well, I don't know. That's the proper way to do it, but it seems to dangerous. Yes, animals live in Bearwind Forest, but it's also a prestigious park where tourists go. They might as well cancel their trip."

"Animals are known for danger. Some can effect the environment. It's safe that we bring these animals somewhere else."

"Anywhere else? Anywhere in Oakville? Anywhere in South Carolina? Anywhere in America? That's insane!"

"Animals are important to the environment. Let's just stop bringing the local animals into this and just investigate and talk about it."

"Good idea. Any other ideas or theories?"

"I know I hate to bring that up, but does it have something to do with-"

"Ugh! We do not bring that up."

"This again? Are we talking about a case that happened 20 years ago?"

"I mean, that case is related to this one. We can look into further details in depth of both cases."

"Can we just forget about the past and look into the present? Besides, it was accidental, so that case is pretty much solved."

"No. The point is, we have to look for the perpetrator and for clues. Also, that case isn't 'pretty much solved'. There has to be another side of the story."

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